Dundee Art Gallery
Danny is a self taught artist.A visual artist  who's specialty is in portraiture drawing.

"Dundee" connotes "Danny D" or "Dan D" from his full real name made short. 

His love for drawing started at an early age of 4. When he entered school, his elementary writing pad always ended up with drawings to the irate of his mother. Drawing comes from different forms or subject, super heroes, etc. that facinates the young school boy. He showed so much interest in art subject instead of doing PE(physical education) and recess which should be vital to his pale inactive health life. 

In between July 12, 1986 to September 27, 1986 he attended a Sunday Art Workshop at the City Art Gallery in Rizal Park, Manila (beside Manila Hotel) under the tutelage of Fernando "Nanding" Sena of the group KATAG (Kabataang Tondo Art Group). This is where he learned the basics of composition, tonal values, light and shade and color mixture. He also participated in another workshop at the Plaza San Luis inside the walled city of Intramuros, Manila. After these he's gone into hibernation state of mind. Later on he pursued another interest in the art e.g. photography.

Pencil Drawing
Oil Pastel
more to come later....