Marna Jayne's Home Page

Hi, I'm Marna Jayne, back in San Diego!!!!

Can't leave the sunny, warmth of my hometown. Tried living in the cold country of Iowa, but like Dorothy says, "there's no place like home"!

The following boxes contain things that are of interest to me. Just click on them and see. Have fun and come back again!!

Heyob's San Diego Visit, July 2000 House Painted July, 2000 Susie and Grandpa, October 1,1999
A Day at Lindo Lake, July 2000 Christmas at the Heyobs, 1999 Branson 2003
My Friends House
Johnny's Fire
My 60th Birthday, 2003

See you later!!

Click for Des Moines, Iowa Forecast Click for Cornelius, Oregon Forecast Click for El Cajon, California Forecast Click for Amundsen-Scott, Antarctica Forecast

