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Meet my teachers *read note at bottom*

Mr. Gentile Really puts the "pal" in Principal, can you find him?
^ indicates there is nothing up yet.
Mr. Carl
Mr. Corrigan
Mr. DiNicoleAntonio ^
Mr. Ganshaw
Mrs Horwitz
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Keil
Mrs. Shafer
Mr. Schnobrich
Mr. Scumaci
Mr. Starr
Mr. Toy
Mr Vehar
I'm poking fun at my teachers. [key word: Mocking] It isn't supposed to be a big 'THANK YOU' for educating me. Not that I don't appreciate it... The point is; If you have big feeling for these teachers or you ARE one of these teachers... do yourself a favor and DON'T READ THIS! And no, i'm not trying to be "big and bad" and lash out agaist the system. This was site was reported to Mr. Gentile, and he personally told me himself that he found my website humerous and laughed, and he was half laughing to me when he read it. However, he told me i should "tone down" some parts... and yah, what a great idea! I haven't looked at what i've written down on this page for quite a while now... But anyways.. he also said the school can't do anything against me, but i DID take his advice and fix up parts!!
[I'm just practicing my 1st amendment here, thank you Mr. Keil!]