Go back the THE beginning!
WELL... hello their!! YES i'm alive!! welp theirs a lot of new things going on in my life now! I've moved to Utica, NY. I live with my boyfriends sister, Kristen otherwise known as... KiKi! ;-) I am a fully lisenced cosmatologist and i work at the Sangertown Mall at the HairCutt Co. !!! I never got around to actually fixing this place of mine up... but maybe in the next year or so... ::ahem:: Mike is off in the middle east, Persian Gulf to be exact. He's having a gude time checkin out the world, curtousy of the Navy. Other wise.. i'm out guys. Sorry, this place needs a face lift!
Welp! here i am.. i'm getting REALLY lazy on this thing! :P anyways, same old! I'm just about, practically finished up with hair school.. BTW.. I LOVE IT! I'm great at hair, i'm so proud of myself! Mike and I are still together, i guess you could say, we tied a bow! You figure out what that means! I went to go visit him in SanDiego (That's where he's stationed) for Valintimes day, we had a lot of fun! We went to go to Tijuana, San Diego Zoo, Cornado Island, the malls, his ship... it was a lotta fun:) I'm graduate school May 21st, and then hopefully before June i'll be in San Diego for the summer, and hopefully a little bit more:) Mikes ship leave for the Eastern Countries November and comes back in May! He'll be visiting, Australia, Japan, China, Gulf, Vietnam.. those sortsa places.. so everybody wish him luck until then! When he comes back May 2003, i'll FINALLY be living with him in San Diego.. by then we'll have been dating for Three years! Anyways, I stoped working at bonton, and pretty soon i'm gonna start workin in a salon:) This year i'm gonna also start taking classes at ECC:) Pretty soon i'll be able to say i've got an associates degree at ECC.. and i can cut hair!! Now how many people ya know that can say that??! :P Anyways i'm gonna keep updating, deleting stuff on this crappy web page of mine! wow it's practically been three years since i started this thing!! crazy!! <3mwah<3 love aundie<~~ that's me!
sepT 30, 2oo1
Damn, i thought i'd seriously have time to start doin' stuff on this stupid web page of mine, but i've been sooo busy!!! i wake up 7ish in the morning, go to school get there spend 9-4pm, i'm home at 4.30, have barely an hour to myself, go to work and get home by 10! ...sleep at around 11ish! Busy busy busy! I usually work on the weekends, and the best weekends i've been up all hours out out out.. and it's wearing me down down down! I saw the besssst movie at jasons place last night, it was called Shrek.. and there was the CUTEST little donkey in there, and he was appropriatly named: Donkey:) isnt' that cute?? he totally reminded me of Teddy from A.I.... and if you havent seen that movie yet.. goooo seeeeeee it.... very powerful and meaningful.. it has my approval! This friday, some guy in the senior floor highlited my hair and now it's orange, but everyone says it's more of a caramel color and it looks good, but who knows what my hair is gonna look like in the end in May! ;) I'm not sure either about what i want to to with my webpage, i have a lot of picture i could scan in and a lot of picture i could take out, like the useless crap with a place dedicated to all those people i call myf riends, becuase i mean, no one really cares, and like that part i have about my teachers, they aren't my teachers any more and i think (because i check out the statistics on here) that teachers look at it constantly.. or the highschool student body, but some wide group of people have been at it, and my webpage has been visted over 1thousand times.. that ain't too shabby for a little shit-hole like this one!
so anyways, everyone is asking about Mike, since he's in the Navy and where he is.. mike is FINE! He's proabably safer then most people are, his ship is patrolling the western coast of america and chillin' around:) Hopefully i'll be able to see him during thanksgiving.. it's so awful not to be able to be with the one you love.. but it's worth it in the end because it's love, and it is:)
Well, hopefully after i'm done and finished with school i'll be able to go be with mike maybe for a few months in Cali.. but who knows how that'll go:) Becuase he's leaving in October on his ship and won't get back until about April... sooo.. such is life, but good things take time, and time it shall take.. but ::sigh:: it is hard, it's easy but it's hard... ahhhh<3 but it's worth it
Sep 8th 2001.. OMG it has ALMOST been ONE ENTIRE YEAR since i've been on this web page.. i had one more month left (note last journal entry) Well, i've been busy! what can i say? Well, i've FINALLY finished High school, and i'm terribly glad that's over with! As luck would have it, Me and Michael are still going out:) But If you want to know more on that you can email me or such:) Michael is in SanDiego right now, and comes to visit just about every month, every month and a half for a week, or a little less then a week. It's hard, but we maintain our relationship through LOTSA phone calls, lots of letters, and lotsa emails! Anything can work, you just have to put the effort into it.. but with Mikey, it's no effort<3 if you can't tell, i LOVE him a lot!
right now, i'm Working at Bon*Ton, it's a large department store. As luck would have it, I work in the intimate section.. that means i sell.. Undies! Isn't that appropriate???
Ah yes! This is the important part! I'm starting hair school Sept 10th, which will be this monday, and i'm terribly excited for that too:) It'll be a 10 month long course which will end in May. Hopefully i can start summer classes at college when I'm finished with hair school, or i can take that summer off and start up college in September:) Either way, i'll be certified with Sissors! And i'm soooooooooooo excited about that! ;)
See, I want to go live in SanDiego after i graduate hair school(with mike) because 9 months after i Graduate (it'll be February) his ship is going to leave for deployment for 5-6 months in the Gulf (Persian) and i won't see him for a very long time! So we want to spend a lot of time with eachother before he leaves:) Even though he'll be busy doing Navy work, and i'll be doing college and being a hairdresser, we'll see each other everyday.. which would be GREAT.. and it's possible too, we just have to work out the details:)
You know what else happened? I won a trip for two for a cruise to the Bahamas! Isn't that exciting?
anyways, for now those are the updates... i WILL be working on this webpage a WHOLE lot more from here on in:) i'm gonna make it soo much better too! It needs so much work!! Blasted! Have a great day!
Noveber 8, 2ooo
Woah, me and my procrastination of not writing in my on-line journal... :) Oops! anyways~~> Lets see, I started working for a Company Called "Swim America" I litterally teach kids to blow bubbles. But it's really fun, it's a whole program of 10 levels to teach kids to swim, and bubbles is the first station, which is my station; level one. It's willy fun and i wov it!!
ECIC's this year for swimming.. didn't go too well... My Nona was on my mind the whooole entire swim meet and I did really bad. Swim season wasn't that great physically, but menataly being with all the girls and my friends, really helped me though my accident and my Nona's death....
Mike and I are doing really good too:) It's gonna be THREE MONTHS! November 19th! Wovies!! I can't stress enough how amazing it is to have someone SO amazingly special in your life<3
School is going good too.. but it's high school!!! So blah blah!!!
anyways, I'm OUT!!
WOVIES! -Aundie
October 21, 2ooo
Today, this morning at 8:20ish i was laying in my bed listening to my radio about to get out of bed to get ready for swim practice... and my dad came into my room and he told me that my Nona <~~my Grandma had died this morning... So as of today, all of my grandparents have left earth... But i'm very very sure that they are in a much better place:) It wasn't a surprise that she was going to dye soon, she was in very bad condition and they had her on oxygen and morphine to take away her pain... It was just so terrible to see someone who was once so lively and active, be laying on a bed just gasping for air... Anyways~~~>
My toncils are still with me [that the lowd!] Apparently, I dont HAVE to get them out... If i get toncilitice again [i've already gotten it a second time after the first time] then they will take them out... So lets keep our fringer cross.. I promised Mike no more hospital braclets;)
And YES! MIKE and i have been going on now for two months and two days... and i promise that those numbers are gonna keep getting bigger and BIGGER in a forever sorta way:)
That's about it... Everything has been really busy with swimming around, I'm going to A MEETS and them **hopefully** sectionals, since i made sectionals last year, i hope i'll make it this year:) Anyways, i'm out!
August 31st
Crule world... why do you mock me so?? Ahhh my bad headaches that i've been gettings... it's because... I HAVE TONSILITIC! That means i get to go in for surgery any day now, sounds great, huh? Anywyas... THIS SUCKS!! Today I had blood work done and a catscan to make sure my car accident didn't sloop my brain around.... but they are pretty sure it's because of my throat.. anyways!! Isn't life great? School's starting soon and i have yet to finish all that darned summer work... grrrr anyways... i'll update the world on my medical status.... >:|
August 27, 2ooo
woah.. first off.. I LOVE MIKE!!! [xoxoxoxoxo] He's coming up the first weekend in September:) I can't wait to see you:) Anyways.. i was trying to figure out how long it takes for someone to know that they really love somone, so i asked Mark... an old freind and this is exactly what he said:
"you can know if you love someone as soon as you get to know the real them... but here is how you know if you LOVE love them... when everything they do makes you love them more, and suddenly when you thought you knew what love was, you feel it stronger, and you realize that you didn't understand love because you hadn't felt it in its fullest form. I believe that you truly know you've hit love when you feel like you don't know how strong of a feeling love is because it keeps getting stronger you still have to be very very careful though... because there are some people who are masters of making you think that you love them, and you feel like you love them more every second.. until one day it hits a brick wall because they walk away from you (but don't worry about that part, because it really doesn't happen often... that just my pessimism talking)"
Mark, your the smartest kid i know, your gonna get sumthing great outta life and i promise it'll bet better then just a smile:)
~~~~~~~~~ anyways... Woah, i think... wait.. i KNOW mark hit that right on the nose... and That's how i feel about Mike:) He makes everything grow into more everyday and everything he does makes me --> :)
Anyways Bad news!! I got in to an accident on the 24th of August.. the most traumatizing experience of my lift.... All of you out there driving.... don't die!!! Here is the massive email that i've sent out to a ton of you and i keep forwarding it out:
Greetings... It's Andrea...
Well if most of you guys didn't find out by now... another car crashed into me. Yup, probably the most traumatizing event in my life. It happend at 3:30 on the 25th of Aug. Funny thing is.. my parents left for Europe earlier that morning and one of the last things they said was ...drive safely..
I was making a left turn on main to go to Harris Hill and a little red antique VW bug got the back part of my car while i was 3/4th into my turn... my car spun a little over 180 degrees.
Anywho... I'm in a ton of pain right now, they said sumthing like whiplash.. my ankles and wrists are soar, my back is killing me and my neck is stiff, and my right elbow hurts. ANYWAYS the point of this letter is so that i don't have to explain myself to all yah what happend [even though i alway leave out addresses; maybe i should start saving these?]
And another thing... I'm not gonna be driving for a looong time now. After i got hit i was in total shock thinking "what if i had a passenger with me??" All these what if's were passing though my mind and i decided i'm just not safe to be on the road, especially if someone else is in the car with me. I love you all and it would hurt me if anything happend to anyone of you guys.
~[swimmers]~ I'm prolly not gonna be swimming until Monday, or whenever my body starts feeling better.
anyways i'll be seeing most of your faces soon, and to the college folk and the people going to college... have fun:)
August 6th 2ooo
Hello my avid readers... whats up??! Hehehe Well i haven't really updated anything thing at all.... umm I've put a couple of the survey forms up for people to read cause sum of them are 'slarious!!! ! hehehe I added some more pictures of friends and a few of myself:-) ...that's about all:-)And ohh!!! On to my important material! !! i found myself a sailor!! true <3 I've been swimming the whole July to get in shape for swim team and now that its August... i've been runing about two miles everyday and rollerblading! Fun, eh? I work about 20ish hours at a country club [mmm i get lotsa tips] and all that dough is going to my dad cause he said i need a grand and he'll get me some sorta nice VW golf! [lucky me!] it's gonna be greeeeen! anywyas... not much else to talk about!!! Keep it reeall!! :-) <3 aundie :-)
June 3oth 2ooo
Well what can i say? Ahhh!! HEhehehe, first off.. I got my lisence! And i quote[from myself that is..] "Driving is the single most liberating thing in the world... that is with the exception of running around naked!!" Yeah! I <3 it! Anyways.. it's funny how after a few people know that you can drive they call you from out of the blue and ask you for a ride. MY JESUS CHRIS OH LORD SAVE US. My car isn't yellow! Anyways! Schools off and that's just about the coolest thing inthe world! I QUITE EVIL TOPS. It was fun when i did nothing. Then they started making me do actual work. So i was like "yeah right!" so i left. i don't like all that responcibility stuff! But SERIOUSLY, i got a better job at a country club called "Fox Valley" I like it a lot better. The conditions are better and the pay is the best part! my co workers are nice and my manager plays tennis so it feels like i'm with Ron! aka my father! But other wise.. my friends little brother has volentred to help me with the HTML hehehehe i feel so dumbwith him telling me java script and tables and such! oh well, yah know.. anywasy i'll get lots of pics up soon i'll try to keep a camara around me this summer to get some action shot of da peeps lata playa
may 15th 2oo0
Okay well today i felt like el crap-o and didn't go to school. So i got to do a lot of well needed studying for those things called "S.A.T's". That's right, STUDY. Anywhoski, I got to scan in a buncha pictures in the friends section (some even have meeee:-) There some old pictures of good memories up as well:-) Prom pictures will be coming soon, so be prepared! I'm glad to see the guestbooks are flurishing, i mean i have over 40 entries, and that ain't that shabby:o) I'm finding limmited time in everything... summer will come soon and that means something and i hope that's sumthing is good! Anyways, for you avid views of Andrea's Craziness Page of Webness; thanks for staying in tune with me! And to all the people i have met through my webpage: Ain't it weird??!! Well; i'm gonna bounce, talk to yah later! <3 aundrea
I'm a bad terrible person. I have done nothing with this page... alas! I've finally gotten around to scanning a few pictures in and a very well needed to be posted picture of Milo :-) aweeeee Milo! That's about all... Well it really isn't... so much has happend.. craziness... i'll get more up later alligator! wovie dubbie :-) aundie <3
February 27, 2ooo
What's up, what's up, what's up? Wow, i'm just becoming a pan full of lazy italian beans. Pardon my racial slurr. ANYWHOSKI.... i'm becoming so lazy; and i love it! I got a job at Tops! I'm Prize Patroll! It's grrreat! I get to push a little cart around and give suckers to little kiddies and talk to Michelle in PROduce and then blow ballons with *looks at hand* Scott. Could you believe at homecoming I'm walking to get a drink, and i bump in to Scott [i work with him], and he doesn't even go to my school? Afterwards when i went out to a resturant... low and behold... Scott was there! It was insain! Then i got to be Chris' very own personal secretary... yeah! The very next morning after homecoming i got to go shadow Williamsville South's High School... it was soo much fun! [i went to bed sooo late and woke up sooo early... like 3 hours of sleep!!!!!] I got to spend the whole day with James and Amy! Then that evening i got to go spend the weeked at Niagara Falls, Crazieness, Craziness! Ah-ha! Now i'm in the Musical "South Pacific" and it's a crazie musical and it's fun, so that's all what matters! I'm so spazzed out about it, whenever i can, i practice all the dance moves [which are very few] outside in the hall; just so i can make sure that i have them down... it's not like i'm a lead or anything.... I'm weird so leave me alone! OOHHhh and this TUEDSAY the 29th of February; I Andrea Claire Veres of a sound mind and body, shall be waking up at the hours of 5:45 to get to school at 6:30 so i can sell Kids Day News papers! For all you Non-Buffalonians... our news paper here has a day where they make special morning news papers and kids from all over Buffalo will wake up early to stand in the cold to sell news papers to people going to work. All the money goes to Childrens Hospital, so it's for a very good cause!
.....All the abuse i put up with.... in the hall, i get my bum grabed by Kyle!! Everytime i scream and i know it's gonna happen! Chris puts as much snow as he can find down my shirt... burrrr!! James leaves a giant bruise on my arm... ouch! Then he POKES it more after i show him my welt! Speaking drops me down on the ground, grabs my arms and DRAGS me down the hall!! ahhh!! WHY ME??!
I'm so gulible... After rehersal for the musical... Ms. Star told us we'd meet at "Lenny's" and someone corrected her and said "Denny's" and then someone else said "Oh, you were that lady on that commercial where the lady said Lenny's and then another voice said DENNY's!" and she said "Yea, i was!" [sumthing like that] and knowing me, i was all shocked and happy and said "really??!" and faces turned and screamed GULIBLE!!!!!!!!! Then... I SWEAR, i heard Ms. Starr say "And bring rubber undergarmets" and i said "rubber undergarment??" and once more.. EVERYONE LAUGED AT ME and Ms. Starr rolled her eyes and said "PROPER undergarments" I SWEAR i heard her say rubber..... and thats all... i feel as though i'm sharing too much of my personal embarassing stories with farrr to many people!! As far as putting up new material.. I'm working on it... really guys.. help me decide new stuff i should put up... and the idea of "Andrea's Shorn Body" is a 'No-goal' and so is the 24 hour webcam in Andrea's Room. Won't happen. Ever.
GUESS WHAT? I'm not gonna bother doing anything with this page for a long time [that means until i start feeling un-sick again..] so don't expect anything! It's been an awful week varying from text, to pizza's... to the flu!!! ahhh!!!
January 9th, 2ooo
Hmmmf. Ahhh the webpage.. uhhh, well i finished off the teachers part, i just have ONE more teacher to finish, and then i'll leave it as it is for a while. Then i'll add more *evil grin* A little while back i took a picture of a deer talking on my phone, I then made it wallpaper, so i'm working on a verrry random wallpaper part.. it may be up in a couple-a-weeks.. maybe. Other then that, not much else has been done, at all... sorrie! This weekend i saw the Matrix; and it was super cool in a big way! OHHHhhh and i went to.. the... m..a..l..l... *bows head in shame* First i had to spend like FOUR HOURS at the GALLDEN WALLARIA (Wallden Gallaria)We we went as a happy family to find my sister some sort of elctronic piano, because she decided that she wants to take up the paino on top of the French Horn and Trombone. She never stops playing the French Horn, it sometimes feels as though i go to sleep and wake up to the French Horn. I hear the Trombone in my sleep, and now since it's the piano, i'm going to be hearing that... oh wait.. i just thought of this.. wow, i'm a GENIUS.. I"M GOING TO GET HER HEADPHONES FOR THE PIANO!! woah!!!! yah! Life is good. Ohh, and that Movie abot clowns... that i could never remember, well this kid, that hates clowns JUST as much as i [i really don't know who hates them more yet; but i think i do] Told me the name of the movie "Killer Clowns From Outer Space" See, i wouldn't remember a movies title like that, cause i would block something bad like that out of my memory.... EVIL, bad!! WEll-a i'm not planning on doing anything with this page for a while yet, but sooo many of you guys kept BUGGING THE SNOT OUTTA ME to do something.. soo.. it's in the works!!! I'll get some pics of the doggies and take random pics for wallpaper:-) Gotta start homework... it's 9pm, on a sunday night!!
January 1st 2000
Another year... Freaky; eh? Hmmmm how do i sum up the last three weeks? Well absoultly nothing has been going on with the page, i put up this corney commic thing that renews itself every week on the POME.html part. Umm i still have to work on the teachers part. One of my teachers gave me a free movie pass and it was going to wear out by january first; so i went to see Bicentinial Man with Catlin!! "At first i thought it was just going to be about a robot; but at the end it was so much more..." This year presents were very random. I went shoping with Catlin and found a store that's a better bargin then the dollar tree. I got Paddel balls, jump ropes, World Almanacs, Barels of Monkeys, Rubic's Cubs; and other crazie things. THE PLOT THIKENS... i didn't have speaking a present! lucky for my my good friend chwwwwwwwwis had to go shoping as well! heehehh we found the greatest pair of leapord print boxers --they look like something Mango would wear from SNL:-) SO christmas came around and my Grandmother became very very ill, and all the doctors says she won't make it till 2000; and i prayed and asked other people to pray for her... and she is still living --no pain. Infact, they upgraded her into a nurcing home. And umm New Years come in with a BANG! heheh i ran upstairs on my friends computer to make sure it would turn on:-) And today i saw "Duice Biggalo; Male Jiggalo" it was such a great movie!! i want it the DVD! Umm that's about it...
Favorite Quote of 1999
(we all had hornes to blow on for midnight and i was blowing mine before and i wannted speaking [greg] to blow his too.... "Greg --blow your horn or i will blow it for you!
December 12th 1999
Hey now! I did a lotta work on the page tonight. I am starting a Teacher Section... with pics of my teachers and a little bio (if yah wanna call it that) on them. My loyal friend from WV --that i have been friends with since well i was i dunno, really little? Well I thank Sammy for that idea! I put a stupid questionair up becuase stupid guys from the internet email about really werid things.. i sorta just made it for the shits and giggles:-) And umm that's all.. for now.. i think... hehehe, i'm out!!! wov aundie
December 4th 1999
Woah.. i haven't done anything with this place; at all. Oh well. Well it's that time of season! Christmas! Too bad there's been no snow yet. I really like snow, i like watching it and i like playing in it and snowball wars and.. i miss it! I hope it snows soon!!!! What a weekend, i had a swim meet today [for club] and now i have to get ready for two christmas parties in a row! AHhhh the insainity of it all!! Oh at my swim meet i won a heat section ribbon! Yah go meee!!! Oh yah this is the story of my life [well not really, but it's smazzing me out at the moment!] Well.. i'm trying out for the musical!! That's right! Your little Andrea may be singing and dancing with the best of them!! I'm Singing "Sixteen" Form The Sound Of Music So.. I'm sorry nothings been done at all, i'll see what in can do over break:-) Keep it real!!! wov meeee!
Friday the... sixtenth...
Ahhh!!! This week was far to much craziness for meee!! Monday i woke up and the only think that of was to create an android me that would have been able to take my place in school... forever. I was in a semi-bad mood too, and i think i wasn't very nice to everyone, but being on taper and being very nervous for Sectionals [sexuals!] was a lot on mee!! Well, i'm happie with math because i got a 10/10 on both quizes, and a 50/50 on my notebook check.. and it's good!! And i dunno what else, but the whole not having school on thursday thing knocked me off my feet. I mean, last week it was that hour thing, and ahhH!! it was makin' me crazie! Ohh and here's coolness!! After Thanks Giving i get to go to PA to drop my sister off at college, and we get to go to the OUTLET MALLS! You don't understand!! Clothes are really really cheap as it is at outlet mall, AND clothes are tax free there, AND, it'll be after thanksgiving so it'll be almostsortakindabutnotreally close to free clothes!! [well it's really cool cause my friend is coming with me, so there!!] and ohh, sexuals, i mean sectionals!! it's was great and i had fun!! Good luck to the rest of the team that made it to STATES!! oh yah!! friday i went to the coffey place with james and hehehe this stoned woman with her stoned boyfriend kept asking us where we lived and what schools we went to.. it was freaking us out in a major way!!! Crazie weird stoned people at coffey houses; no good!! then we went to see house on haunted hill It was a sorta good movie; but not the best movie. Some parts really really freaked me out in a really big way, but the story of it was trying to be too much, and i sorta think that they went in the wrong direction with it towards the end.. To make it simple.. it could been better. And now it's saturday and i have been doing absoultly nothing becasue i am so worn out!! I actually slept in till TEN THIRTY!! wow, it was great!! I have yet to finish tidding up me room, but i got stuff done, and well.. eat it!! so yah, bye!!! <3 meeeeeee
Ember-Nov seven... ninteennintynine..
well kiddos.. what's up? umm, i put some cute pics on the "past times past 1 am" and i put in a spanky-new guest book and i enjoy it, so sign it!! Oh yaho! I saw two of my friend this weekend that i never get to see!! First i saw James at his schools play [williamsville south] ~yah, Elsie came with me!!~ Then Sunday marrrning at Tops i saw Colleen!! (the Crapper!) it was good times:-) And ohh!! craziness!!! And i found the FUNNIEST web page, this weird guy.. very weird made it.. just check it oot... CLICK ME!!! i'm sure you'll all enjoy it. My fav quote from it is "I like to take foto-camera (amimals , towns , nice nude models and peoples)....." oh just go to it, you'll enjoy it!! well.. umm, that aboot all, i gotta jet!! keep it real!!! :-) aundie
...Well i got some cute pics of some cute friends up, and umm, i put a new [much better] guest book up. [i have yet to link this site up to a search engine!]
Today some college guy randomly IMed meee and told me he thought i was 'interesting'. He loved my page too! [hey he said i was pretty, so that gives him points!] ........Sectionals is one week away, yeahy!........ I tell you, my lunch is so much fun, i've never had a lunch as much fun as the one i have now!! We talk about the funniest things, and create the greatest jokes!! I wov u period 6 lunch!!!!! and umm, nice weather we're having [aundie's off to do her homework! peace out!.. oot!]
You know what that means, right??! One more week till halloween!! hurrah! i really liked it how halloween was on friday and then saturday.. cause you could stay up late and you wouldn't have school the next day! Anywhoski, i'm still sick! At least i'm on somesorta medication.. i honestly think that my immune system is immune to whatever it is i'm taking cause i've taken it sooo many times... oh well. I've always enjoyed sneezing, but i'm doing it so often it hurts to sneeze!! And woah! one more week till ECIC A meet! that means i'm gonna be shavin' my legs [and my arms]in one week!!!!! HURRAH!!! i put up pics from st croix up and they're grrrreat.. and i dunno, what else did i do? i put the jackson 5's song "abc" for the beginning and if it doesn't work then sorrie!!!!!! and the pomes part and Y2K has more stuff on it, so takie a lookie!!! keep it real neil <3 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i really hate being sick, and i feel like el crap-o. For all you non spanish readers, that means i feel like crap. I don't know why i always get sick, but i do. GRRRR. The upside of it though.. is that i got some swim pics (they finaly came in!) scaned and pics posted up! so word^! you can find new pics in the friends section and in the meee section.. so have fun!! (waka-waka) peace out yo!
October 2oth
Guess what? Today i got to go home sick.. after 8th period. That means that i missed math.. and swim practice:( that i felt so terrible leaving school knowing that the team would be without me. Well my throat is killing me and i have a mother of a headache. When i got home i went straight to sleep and only woke up to go to the doctors!! i'm always sick and i DISPISE IT!!! arg! ARGGG!! Well i got some of the stuff [you] the viewers sent me, just keep 'em coming! and i'll get more pics up soon!! later peeps!! <3 aundieeeee
oKtober 17th...
WEll i did stuff and the place is a tad bit more orginized and i'll be sure to get mannny homecoming pictures up here when i get doubles! Yah, my wonderful picture is the first thing you see... so ha! Any sugestions or ideas? Just E-Mail me. I have my address on the bottom of the INDEX page. Ummm hairy legs are up too :) I had a busy night last night with all the homecoming nonsence. Did you know i did three girls hair? Yah, i think i outta have gotten paid.. oh well. Grrr baby GRrrr!!! And well keep it real and when i get winter break (i'm counting down the days!!) i'll get all the stuff i've been delaying done.. promise
captin log star date, the time is 10:29 PM.. october 14, 1999...
Welll nothing much on the page... at all. I'm sorrie! too much to do! What's new one this page? I dunno, i didn't get my hairy legs up (i know how much THAT'll be missed!) umm, what else? I sugest you all join F.A.P.S Find the whole shabang on it.. it's somewhere!! and my best friend is gonna be here in.. two days! Hurrah! and haaaa! PSAT's are this saturday! and then it's gonna be homecoming, and let me tell yah, BOY AM I READY! (honey, i was borne ready!) hehe, well i'm oot, talk wit u all later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The 6th of October :-)
Hey now, your an all star!!! wow this week jsut keeps getting better and better.. too bad it's gonna be over soon.. My sister is coming home this weekend form college, and i'm actually HAPPIE aboot it! I can't believe i miss u mary ann! [there, i said it!] today i was freezing, i mean coooold and my friend gave me his jacket coat thingie and that made me glad because i was a -->littlebit<--warmer and it smeelt really really realllly good and that's just a double whammie! ummm, i dunno what else.. watch out for hairy legs soon.. it's getting worse and worse! MY COACH IS LOOKING FUNNIE AT ME NOW! hahah! well i gotta hit the books... keep it reaaaaaaaaal!!!!!!!!!
october THE FOURTH! (nine months away from the 4 of july..)
I'm so happy!! One of my best friends in the whole entire world is coming to my homecoming!! He lives in Ohio and i'm in New York, so it's not like we see each other ever weekend! So i'm too happy!!!! Yesterday i went biking, i boked.. all the way to catlins house and then we went to starbucks (by car), and then we WALKED, that's right... WALKED.. to the mall! it really wasn't that far.. i guess that's cause we were having too much fun being crazie!! [not crazy!] Could you believe that i wrote the whole crazie bit in a AP packet? The teacher didn't get it. His loss. anywhoski <--speaking i gotta jet, i got stuff to do no people envolved. Have fun shakkin'
October the Third...
Someone told me that i should have the newest entries first.. so i changed it! Ha! Guess what! I did something yesterday that i normally don't do.. I went to the mall! Oh it was terrible, first the underpaiddisgruntled workers at kaufmans sprayed me with perfume and kept asking me which smell i liked better, then the gay [is queer a better word?] shoe sales men asked me if they could help me... when infact they were the ones that looks as though they needed help!! And all the people with cell phones.. it's like the new thing, walk and talk. I bet they are talking on their phones with people that are shoping too. That is sorta tricky. Any ways... I ended up getting a dress. It's pretty and i guess everyone in the changing room liked it too, because they were the ones who helped me pick it out! Unless they just told me to get it because they wanted me to look bad.. but.. but.. they seemed so nice...! Anywhoski, i got my hairy legs up and running, and some pics of peeps up and i am shinning stuff up and sorrie aboot all the bad spelling errors! <3 aundie
Yah i did stuff, put up Gra:tchens pick (i dunno how to make umlouts, deal with it) and what else? I put up really good jokes, and i am keeping a journal under "swimming" of how hairy andrea's legs are (we aren't allowed to shave for swim team, and i'm proud of it!) so that's all and keep it real people!
<3 meeeeeee
Okay i have a section called 'past times past 1am' and it when i'm feeling crazie and i do something, You'll ALL know aboot it! ha! So there, and i wont be putzing around on this for a nother good couple-a-days so whatever and yah!!! yah!!! Did you know that when you play with fire, you get burned? and... i still need to work on why some pics arne't coming up, oh well for now.. keep it real neil (what's up chuck!) <--that's a good one
Guess what? I put the awful pictures of my dog up. Sick? Demented? Not meeee! Well cry aboot it if you don't like it! Write me hate mail and TP my house! (don't forget to cry aboot it) Ummm... what else? Oh! I have an official stalker now! Actually I shouldn't sound so excited aboot it.. more sick and scary.. grrr.. *next* Swimming is great.. even though half the team is sick and can't be at the meets... grrrrr... and i dunno what's wrong with this place some pics don't come up.. and i need to learn more code cause i need to spazz this place up a bit, anywhoski i'm off! *poof*
GO me! Second day in a row working on this piece-o-crap page-o-mine! I fixed the errors, and put up the swim team picture and even wrote down everyone's name.. and today i think i'll take picture of poor patches and post em up, so everyone will see her bad cuts and all will pitty her.. evil german shepard.. grrrrr.. And that's aboot all!!!!! Hasta la pasta:-]
Today i met a seven fingered one eyed man that only spoke german.. and i thought i should share this with the general public. And i added some speaking stuff and hopefully if i have time tomorrow i'll put up the 98 swim team picture! (and fix an error i have yet to understand that went wrong) And what else, what else what else.. oh.. Patches got beat up by a mean dog and she was in the hospital vet for two nights and got stitches and is nearly 1/2 shaved, and she's not in that great of condition.. and that made me upset.. and... I GOT 28.86 seconds in my 50 freee!! and that made me very very happie (i'll leave this entry on a high note!) Keep it real people!
I have decided that i will use diffrent things to mark the space between the numbers.. it will be diffrent all the time! well speaking i am starting a JUST YOU AND ME PAGE! I'll scan in the picture of us when we were on the viper! RAHR! And what else.. i dunno.. i have school tomorrow and i need to recap my vocab sheet for engish.. grr.. picture day is tomorrow.. stupid crappyness... aundie going buh-bye!
9-11-99 (is this better? 9/11/99)!???!?!!
You'll never guess of my amazing fantastic idea that i got this marrning!! Well this is it! making a journal everytime i actually get on line! Isn't this a clever idea? This way no one will have to both asking me why i haven't done anything with it! Well my real reason's for being too busy are swim team and school. I get home at 7ish every night and i have nooo study halls (WHY? You ask? well.. I dunno, it just sounded dangerous..) So there! and umm... well that's it for now! Andrea signing off! Oh yah, don't expect anything new for now!