Look at me!! I'm on a roll! Don't get too used to this, it is just that it is Christmas and I am in a giving mood!
Last night we went to mom's to play games with her, Dave, Michele, and Dave Jr. When I say we, I mean the boys and me, Matt was working. Mom and Michele taught us all how to play Rook. I was hesitant because that is an old person game to me. I remember being a kid and the grown ups would be around the table playing it while us kids played Skip Bo. But anyway, she taught us. Guess who won? Yep! ME! I was happy. Actually, the ONLY reason I won was because they are all wusses and were bidding low. I would bid high and win, so my score went up much faster. If you don't know how to play Rook, you have no idea what I am talking about, sorry. The boys were up bright and early this morning ready to open presents. This year was so different to me, growing up we always opened presents on Christmas Eve. To compromise, Matt and I decided we would open most of the gifts on Christmas Eve, but the big santa gift would be opened Christmas Day. Well, since he was working last night we opened them all this morning. Let me say, I much prefer night time. Then I don't have to get up so early. Am I lazy or what? I don't know, the atmosphere just isn't the same to me. Not to fear, we will have that night atmosphere on Saturday when we do Christmas at mom's. Then we get the big meal on Sunday. YAY! I can't wait. Yummmmmy. It always seems so lonely when we aren't with family for Christmas. But this year I was counting my blessings that at least our little family was together. I love my family so much, I can't even describe it.
After we opened presents and played all the games we got, we went out to lunch at Denny's. How sad is THAT? But I had no desire to cook. It was kind of nice actually. Then we went to mom's to wait for until Monsters, Inc started. The movie was a bit scary for my kids, is that weird? No, I don't think so. It actually makes me glad that they aren't so desensitized. By the end though, they were ok. I was worried we would have to leave early for awhile. The movie was good.
Santa brought the boys this little 'make your own bouncy ball' kit. The last picture is of Daddy helping them make them. They actually turned out pretty good, I was surprised.
Matthew broke my heart today. We were driving to the movie and he said, "mommy, I am so glad daddy was home with us all day today" Then he went on to tell me how much he likes having daddy home. I know they miss him so much. I guess we just have to deal with it though, for now.
Hope you all are having a very merry Christmas!! |