A Hundred things February 1, 2002 |
I am finally jumping on the bandwagon and doing this. Matt doesn't think I can do it, but I will try. Sorry no pictures tonight. Just.....a hundred things you never knew about me, and will probably wish you still didn't. 1)I was born on December 11, 1976 in Portland, Or. 2)When I was 2, I was standing on the side of a shopping cart full of canned goods. The floor was uneven and it fell over on me. I broke my leg at the growth area. It wasn't supposed to grow anymore. 3)Both my legs are the same length 4)When I was 2 1/2 we moved to Klamath Falls, Or. 5)I consider K Falls my hometown 6)My first grade teacher quit in the middle of the year to have a baby 7)I bought the baby a stuffed elephant 8)My mom had to take the elephant to her because kids weren't allowed in the maternity ward 9)I was in fourth grade when the space shuttle exploded, the principle got on the intercom and said "it blew up" my teacher cried 10)I had no idea what was going on 11)I wanted 12 kids when I was growing up 12)so I had 15 cabbage patch dolls who were my babies 13)I wanted to be a baby nurse when I grew up 14)or a teacher 15)instead I homeschool 16)In eighth grade I went to Barbizon modeling school 17)I had my first experience with death that summer, a friend of mine was shot in the head 18)I have been afraid of guns ever since then 19)I am also afraid of snakes 20)and I am claustrophobic 21)we moved to Washington state my freshmen year if high school 22)I changed my name from "Becky" to "Bekki" hoping to make my own identity in the new school 23)it didn't work, too many kids knew my stepdad, so I was just "Mr. Martir's stepdaughter" 24)I was at school, rehearsing for a play when the Gulf War started 25)I met Matt during a community theater play 26)I have never tried an illegal substance, despite my attraction to bad boys 27)when I met Matt, he had a "skater cut" which caught my eye 28)to my dismay, he was neither a skater OR a bad boy.....he did play drums though 29)I wanted to play the drums 30)I wasn't allowed to because my parents thought it would bore me too easily 31)instead I played the trombone 32)I wanted any instrument that was different from Aimee's 33)I also played the piano 34)I can't play either very well now 35)Matt and I never saw each other after the play was over 36)I went back to my bad boys 37)I attended 4 highschools 38)including one quarter at a boarding school 39)and one year with my dad 40)I lived with my mom in our motor home for awhile when her husband threatened to kill us and we had to go into hiding 41)I had braces twice, once in fourth grade and once in eighth 42)I liked my braces 43)I always wanted glasses growing up 44)I have 20/20 vision 45)I had surgery on my knee in ninth grade 46)I tore it water skiing 47)I also snow ski 48)I haven't done either since 1995 49)Matt and I saw each other again 2 years later in a parade, we chatted 50)I didn't know who he was, he no longer looked like a bad boy 51)we got together anyway 52)I only talk to 2 people I ever went to school with, Andrea and Tommy 53)Andrea and I were best friends since first grade, now I would consider her and acquaintance 54)I got drunk for the very first time with her(it was her first time too), on a cruise(sorry dad :))it was the last night and we were so miserably hung over the next day on the way home. 55)I have only been drunk 3 other times, she frequents the bars 56)I smoked on occasion with those badboys, and I taught Andrea how to smoke 57)I don't smoke anymore, she does 58)I only went to one party in highschool, with Matt, we had to lie to go 59)I have one tattoo, comedy and tragedy masks on my ankle 60)I used to have my ears pierced, but they are now closed 61)I have only had stitches 5 times, once when I cut my thumb with a straight edge razor on accident, once when I had my wisdom teeth cut out, and three times when I gave birth 62)I have broken both of my wrists 63)not at the same time though 64)I am not a real big animal person, they are cute for awhile but then I get tired of them 65)my favorite animal is the manatee 66)I have been swimming with the manatees 67)I was given a cat when I was 5, Smokey, I loved that cat to pieces 68)he died when I was 15, I got a dog to replace him, Biscuit 69)Biscuit was my best friend during my hardest times in life 70)he died when I was pregnant with Matthew 71)I had him cremated 72)I had the baby I miscarried cremated 73)I don't want to be cremated 74)I want to be put in a wall 75)Since I have been married I have lived in 6 different dwellings 76)in 3 different states 77)The only sport I ever participated in was swimming 78)I only attended one quarter of college 79)but quit cosmetology school with only 5 months left 80)I got pregnant with Matthew, the school wanted my dr to sign a release saying I could go to school with the chemicals, he wouldn't, I quit 81)I wanted to quit anyway, I was bored 82)I have only had 8 jobs in my life 83)I always wanted to be a housewife 84)I hate to clean 85)and to cook 86)I love being a housewife though 87)after 9 years with Matt, I still don't feel good enough for him 88)I am always afraid one of my kids will die too early 89)I have only been in 2 car accidents 90)none while I was driving 91)I can't drive a stick shift, Matt's car is a stick 92)I don't like coffee 93)but I like coffee flavored things, like candy and ice cream 94)I don't believe in ghosts 95)I wasn't allowed to watch MTV, The Simpsons, Married with Children, or Roseanne when I was growing up 96)Roseanne is now one of my favorite shows 97)I have seen The Thompson Twins, Night Ranger, New Kids on the Block, Roger Whitaker, Neal McCoy, and Trace Adkins in concert 98)I have never seen a concert with Matt 99)I love roller coasters 100)I hate carnival rides PHEW!! That was tougher than I thought. No fair holding ANY of that against me. :) Back Next |