Sorry.  I have no specific topic tonight.  I just wanted to let you all know what we have been doing the past two weeks. 

First of all, check out the background. I am so tired of winter.  BUT, it has actually been beautiful.  In the 50s all week.  More about that later.  So I decided I didn't want snowflakes today, but something warmer.  I can't wait for spring! 

Last Tuesday, totally at the last minute, we decided to take the boys to Disney on Ice.  It was the Toy Story version.  My kids LOVE Buzz.  They thought it was totally cool.  And it was.  We went last year too.  It was the Jungle one.  It is really neat.  I am so impressed that people can skate around in full costume.  Especially like the piggy bank, that is a person bent over.  How cool is that?  This year EVERYONE had face masks.  There were times, like when they were Barbies, that they didn't, but all the main people did.  It was oodles of fun.

The rest of the week was spent finding bargains.  For instance, we got leather coats for the boys for $2 each.  Long story that I won't go into here, but it was very cool.

This week has been beautiful.  We spent one day at the park walking the trails.  I can't believe we are in January, but I will not complain.  I love this kind of winter.  I just hope we don't get hammered later.  That would suck.

Yesterday we had to take my car in to get fixed.  It has been making this waawaawaa
sound.  Not nice.  It has been getting steadily louder, so we decided we would finally take it in.  Bad wheel bearing.  Wheel bearings aren't cheap either.  I wasn't very happy.  Oh well, I feel safer now.  No funny sounds.

On the resolution front, I am doing well.  We really are eating healthier.  Even eating Tofu.  We had really yummy tofu enchiladas tonight.  YUM  Even Matt said they were good.  We had a penne casserole with tofu the other day that he really liked too.  So I am feeling good about it.  I am really trying hard to cut out a lot of the kids sugar.  And all the fat we eat.  I am hoping I will lose weight in the mean time.  I am down a couple pounds.  Back down to what I was before Christmas.  To help in that area I have been taking the stairs.  Do you know, that in our 15 flights of stairs there are only 252 actual stairs?? It is kind of disappointing cause it kills me.  Actually, I can make it to the 7th floor now before feeling too winded.  AND, get this, I do it slinging Collin.  How great am I??  That is like an added 20 pounds. 

Other than that, not much has been happening.  I think my in laws are going to come visit in March.  That will be nice.  They were supposed to come September 12, but we all know how that ended.  So they will finally get to meet my little ray of sunshine, Collin. 

Speaking of Collin, he has 2 teeth now.  He just got his second one yesterday.  He is getting so big.  He is also sick right now, poor punkin.  Picked up some crud from Dillon.  I have been wondering if Dillon may have bronchiolitis again.  I read that once they got it, they were more susceptible.  And he seems to be having some of the same symptons.  We will see how he does.

Anyway, I guess that is all.  I don't have any great pictures today.  The first is of the boys giving us a puppet show.  Aimee gave them these kits to make puppets for Christmas.  They are really cute.  Dill's are monkeys and Matthew's are lions.  The other picture is them modeling the wetsuits their papa and Michele got them for Christmas.  Talk about a horribly colored picture.  Oh well.
Have a great day.