Lookie!! For Christmas my Grandpa Benson sent us some money to get gifts for the boys. Well look what we got!! I am so excited. I am sure it looks like nothing to you, but is SOMETHING!!! I have wanted a Brio train for my kids forever, but they are VERY expensive. But guess what!! Toys R Us has come out with their own brand of train. It is totally compatible with the Brio and Thomas the Tank trains. But much cheaper. So, we got the starter set from Toys R Us. Now we can add on to it over time. My kids LOVE these trains, so I know it will bring hours of fun. And Collin will grow into too. The only trouble right now is where to put it. Right now it is on top of Dillon's toybox, which actually holds blankets, and is in Collin's room. Since Collin sleeps with us, this isn't a problem. But the toybox just isn't quite big enough. Matt was thinking of building a table. Wonder how much they cost. A pretty penny I am sure. But it will be so nice to have a table for it. I wonder how hard it will be to build. Have to have one that isn't impossibly heavy to move. Oh well, all in good time. The foundation has been layed now. YAY!! We also got Dillon an indoor sleeping bag. Matthew has had one for a long time and Dillon didn't. We got him one because they come into our room in the middle of the night all the time. Well they know they have to sleep on the floor next to the bed when they come in. We have had a little bed made up for awhile, but they always get upset if the other one is in there first. So we got a sleeping bag, and they are now in our room, so that when they wake up they have their own little beds. Complete with pillows because we finally got some new pillows today, Hip hip hooray!!
Look at that little baby! :) See that hat? My dad and Michele brought the boys all hats like this from Indonesia(correct me if I am wrong). Anyway, Matthew and Dillon think it is so cute to put Collin's on him. See the black thing on his back? That is a long braid. They are so cute. Matthew and Dillon run around with their "tails" all the time. They are so silly! Michele got Collin that little ducky too. He was busy chewing on it but thought he could look up for a picture. My baby is growing up. *sniff sniff* Yesterday he cut his first tooth. He is 5 months right now. I am so bad, I probably won't get that in the baby book anytime soon. I hate that I am like that. I was so good with Matthew and Dillon's books, but horrible at Collin's. You know what the problem is?? My digital camera. I have hardly any prints of Collin. They are all on the computer. BAD MOMMY!! I really need to get better at that. Our video camera is acting up so I have no video of him either, well besides when he was born. :oP
That's all the news here. Oh yeah, Matt started school again today, and I actually think I will like his schedule. I'll let you know after this week. Have a splendid week everyone!! |