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David Ryan "Bug" Brewer
This obituary,written by Ryan's Dad, David,was read at Ryan's funeral service:
Ryan Brewer was separated from his mortal body on May 23, 1999.
Ryan was born on May 10, 1979 in Oklahoma City.Affectionately
known as "Bug", he graduated from McLoud High School in 1997.
During his school years he enjoyed soccer, band, and Mr. Smith's
science classes. He was a Junior at Oklahoma Christian University,
where he continued to play his saxophone.He was proud to call
the men of Alpha his brothers, and he still played soccer at
every opportunity. He was an active member of the Eastside Church
of Christ in Midwest City. Ryan is survived by parents David and
Stephanie, brothers Luke and Jacob, sister Elizabeth, his special
friend and constant companion, Mariah, and a host of relatives,
friends, and admirers. The wise man Solomon said, "A wise son
brings joy to his father".Ryan brought us that joy. He will be
remembered for his quiet confidence, his unselfish attitude, and
his dependable nature.We are thankful and blessed that he was
not ashamed to show and communicate his love for us. His passing
leaves a void that will never be filled.
Ryan has gone home.

 Background & Design Made By: Beckie/HeavensAngel
Thanksgiving 1998 - (Lucas, Jake, Stephanie, David,(back row)- Ryan and Elizabeth)

Ryan started this letter to us just before his death
Dear Mom and Dad,
I know you may be thinking that it is odd that I am writing....but I guess that is why I am! I don't suppose that I have written you much, so here you are.I am just sitting here here on a Friday night, alone, listening to the radio.It is kind of nice but kind of boring. Well I need to stop complaining...(not that I'm only writing cause I'am bored.
I hope everything is going good at home. You don't hear me saying this but...I kind of miss it.I know that all 6 of us being stuck in that house together, we didn't always get along. But I miss that too..It shows that I was cared for.And heck, it made for some entertainment too, I suppose!
Now I have written some late thank you notes before, but this one is well past due.I know that I gripe and complain alot,but that is out of shear stupidity on my part.You are the best parents I could ask for.I can't tell you how much pride I have in my family.Dad,I realize that what you have done for Mom and us is more than I could ever ask.I also know that working and taking care of a household can be very stressful and sometimes not very rewarding,just remember that we all love you and greatly appreciate you.I wish that everyone had a father like you.I am thankful that you are here when I need something.I'm glad that you are always here to teach me what I need.You will always be my role model and a great example of how I should be as a man and a Christian.
Mom, I thank you so much for staying at home to raise your children.I think it is one of the most honorable things a woman can do.Who else would be there if Dad or us came home from a hard day at work or school.You make sure we have everything we could want or need.Even if that is just a hug or a kiss. And,yes ,when I look for a wife, I will look for one like you if possible.
Perhaps what I am the most thankful for is your love for each other.I suppose that I could live with people loving me but without your love for each other and for God - I would not have started life.Thank you for raising me in the church.Because of this I will always know that there is a group, a family of people that will always care.With God I should always have direction in my life.I will always keep my family in my prayers.
I don't like to ask much of people but I'm going to ask one thing of you two now...Please continue to raise Luke, Elizabeth and Jake the way you have me, and if possible better, that they can grow to be some great people......
RYAN never got to finish this letter...We found it in his things after his death...

 Poems and stories written by
Ryan Brewer
Isn't It Enough
Just isn't it enough
That he built this world,
Isn't it enough
That he gave his life,
Is it not enough
That he sent his son,
Isn't it enough
That he spent his life teaching,
Isn't it enough
That he died for my sins,
Isn't it enough
That he died for your sins,
Is not it enough
After all he has done
That the least we could say is,
I am not ashamed to be a Christian,
A follower of Jesus Christ.
Written for Leadership Training For Christ(April 1996)
By Ryan
God's Love
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. As Paul Stated many years ago, we should not be ashamed of God, Jesus, the Bible, and the fact that we are Christians.Many find their faith to be like a light switch. They turn God on when the time is right, and turn him off when it is not. We should not find ourselves in a position like this. God deserves our full attention and respect.
John 3:16 and 17 tells us, For God so loved the world the he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. This is one of many gifts that God gave us because he loves us so much. He created this world where everything seems to work for our benefit. He created life. Where would we be without this gift? Or would we be?You see, he has done so much for us that only a few things can be listed, but what have we done for him?We breathe, eat, drink, live. Not much we do is for him. We take his love for granted.The least he asks is that we keep his word and bring others to his love.Much of this we can do just by living in His way daily, showing others the way of God.After all that he has done for us, the least we can do is not be ashamed to follow his simple instructions and show others every day and all the time, that we are not ashamed to be Christians.
(For more writings by Ryan go to Ryan's Corner in pull down menu.....)

This poem was written by our youth minister, Deek.
You don't need me to tell you what have have coming your way,
But I thought you might want to know about the brother you go today.
He told us through his life how unashamed he was,
To stand up and do the work that is needed for the cause. Young lives are often spend on hopes for worldly fame.
But his was used for faithfulness to God and your upon name.
He ran the race you told him to,in his conduct, his speech,and love.
He wasn't the first to get there but he got there sure enough.
Yes, endurance was the way he chose, he chose to tackle the trials of life,
Which is what you told him to do when faced with loads of strife.
He trained to be a leader for your church in many ways,
His leadership continues now with reflection and memory.
Loving son and caring brother are forever in our minds,
His tenderness for children was shown time after time.
He walked by the spirit, He traveled in the light,lived as you adviced,
And walks in Zion, receiptant of the prize.
You created him, and gave him to us , his gentleness touched us so,
We will miss his smile and christ-like life
Just to let you know.
(For more memorial writings go to pull down menu)
