<BGSOUND SRC="/bbbb_76225/wonder.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Genealogy - Surnames

First my husband's side of the family:

Baird - (Samuel) before 1853, Illinois

Ball - (Henry) 1798, Kentucky

Pike - (George) 1740, Lunenburg Co., Virginia

Oakes - (Peter or John) before 1807, Ireland

Pollard - (Thomas) before 1844, Kentucky

Marksberry - (Sir James Douglas of Drumlanrig, Scotland) about 1600


My side of the family:

Wimberly - (Thomas) 1430 England

Caywood - (Johannes DeCawood) around 1200, England

Caywood part 2

The Caywood name and Castle

Humphrey - (Hustiess) 1794, Carroll Co., Tennessee

(please take a look at the Humphrey Web Link below)

Humphries - (George) about 1830

Roundy (Robert) 1704 Massachusetts

Mallard/Mellard - (Thomas) before 1660, England

Stephens - (Levi P) 1800, South Carolina

Lemons - (Thomas) 1770, McMinn Co., Tennessee

Blackwell - (Robert) 1620

Richey - (John) 1797, Virginia

Chasteen/Chastain - (Estienne) 1625, Charost, Prov. of Berri, France

Holloway - (Bremillion) 1725, North Carolina


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***Please note:  I do not have documentation on all of the information contained in these pages.  The information in most cases, has been obtained from others researching the same surnames as I am researching.

Thank you and God bless you.

Other Pages

Bill's Page

I have also included events of the year 1997.  It was a year that our family said goodbye to many family members.

I have a page of poems that have helped me through the months and years since my son's tragic death on Christmas day 1997.

and don't miss:

My dedication page

Meet my immediate family

my children
My Baby

my grandchildren
Rachel Ann-Nicole McGregor
Joshua Taylor McGregor

A Tribute

about me

* * * * * *

Look at these web pages

Margaret's Pages

Welcome Page

My Church

Welcome to my pages.
My name is Barbara Wimberly/Baird
~  ~  ~  ~  ~

continually updated - latest 11/16/2002

My Personal Testamony
Sisters of Faith is a wonderful
Web Ring for Christian Ladies.  Please take a look,
and join if you feel led.
If you have lost a child, please visit
Mothers With Angels
This is a great web site providing support and comfort for those parents who have lost a child.
Awards I have received
The background music is
"Oh, What A Wonder"
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