Hi there! I'm Christopher James Tibbitts, but you can call me Chris.
I was born on September 24th, 1998, along with my sister Katie. We're Libras!
When I was first born I was only 1 pound, 12 ounces, but now I'm much bigger.
Eating everything in sight has really helped me grow!
Christopher is a family name on my dad's side. For one, it's his middle name.
It was given to him in honor of his uncle (and my great-uncle... are you following this?)
Chris Davis, and now it's been given to me! But it's origin goes back even farther...
When my great-grandfather Jim Davis (that's where my middle name comes from!)
was a prisoner of war during World War II, he prayed to St. Christopher (the patron
saint of travelers) and promised that if he ever made it home and had a son, he would
name him in his honor. I don't know if that's what did the trick, but here we all are!
My daddy loved Jim very much and wanted to keep that tradition alive.