Christian Web Site

    welcome header

    "I was blind but now I see." John 9:25

    This site has been created to glorify the name of Jesus...~~Este sitio ha sido creado para exaltar el nombre de Jesucristo~~


    To the dear, faithful friends and visitors of His Amazing Grace:
    We are moving! Please click HEREto continue visiting us.
    Thank you and Blessings. Beebee

    roseHello and welcome to my home at His Amazing Grace.
    This is yet another unfamiliar journey in life that I have begun,
    and, as you visit, you will learn more about that journey.
    So, come in, sit down and enjoy yourself. I promise,
    with God's help, to treat you in so many ways that you are
    bound to like some of my good old Southern Hospitality
    I hail from Deep in the Heart of Dixie, Alabama!
    You can find more about myself, my family, and my
    faith and belief in God on other pages. So be sure
    check back with me often.I will be updating
    weekly and adding more to my home...
    things that I have been
    inspired to do
    and trust that you will be blessed
    by seeing.
    So....oh yes, don't forget to sign my
    please; and.....thanks for coming.

    Y'all come back now *SMILE*!!!

    rose=greenery divider

    roseYou may have a house, but God must be the head of it
    to make it a home.

    roseExcept the Lord build the house,they labour in
    that build it. Psalm 127: 1

    My grace is sufficient for thee;
    for My strength is made perfect
    in weakness. II Cor. 12:9
rose=greenery divider

roseThis site belongs to God....I just work here.

These pages that you may eventually see,
do not belong to me;
They reflect many things and many people
who have inspired my life in many ways
with their love, and warm,
generous praise.

rose-greenery divider


    roseFor God so loved the world,
    that He gave His only begotten
    that whosoever believeth in Him shall
    not perish but have everlasting life. John 3: 16
rose-greenery divider


roseMy permanent place of worship is at the foot of
the Cross of Jesus!


roseHeavenly Father, I come before You asking that
each and every visitor to this web site go away
blessed, inspired, or aware that THEY TOO need YOU
in their life. More than anything Heavenly Father, I want
YOU, my Lord and Saviour, to be glorified by this humble
endeavor of mine. Amen!


    Do you have a Tribute to America page on your site?
    I would be honored if you would add your link to other Tributes....
    Please see "Add A Link" lower down on page...and
    thank you for paying tribute to America!
    Blessings Always,
    Bettye aka Beebee

    Dear Heavenly Father, We humbly come to you on bended knees, deeply moved by what our country is now facing. We know that You tell us in Your word that...
    "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen but the end is still to come. Nation will arise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains." - Matthew 24:6-8
    So, Heavenly Father, have mercy on us; especially those suffering, hurting, and in fear. May they look to You, the Great Physician, their only salvation, for the peace that passes all understanding. Father, may the forces of evil be broken by Your power and may our country humble itself before thee. We would ask that the leaders of our land seek your face for the wisdom they need. We ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...our strength and our refuge. AMEN!

    91141The World Cries
    To view my Memorial to Day 9-11-01, please click on the icon


    "Please click on the FLAME OF LIFE
    to visit the site where you may secure your very
    own FLAME OF LIFE to show your support of our troops"


    Proud to be a Southerner!
    Click on Award to visit their site.

    He's coming soon!
    Are you ready? Click Here


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    The HTML Writers Guild

    Add your 9-11 Memorial here

    Each one of my pages displays the option to sign my guestbook. If you find something you receive a blessing from, give God the Glory! At some point, please take a moment to sign the Guestbook and to vote for this site... I would love to know you dropped by. If you have a site,I will return the visit.

    Please click NEXT for MENU!



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    Forgive her Lord; she doesn't know
    that You gave Life to Me!~

    what is partial birth abortion?


    Life ~ What a
    Beautiful Choice!


    Adopted: July 14,2000

    Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

    Click here to make free donations to charities!

    The Hunger Site

    If you would like a link to my site on your site,please use the banner below and link it to:
    To copy the banner,click on it.Another window will come up.
    Copy the banner from that window.

    Beebee's His Amazing Grace Banner


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    This Website was Born May 23, 2000

    This site is maintained and copyrighted © by
    B. Barnes 2000-2003

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    Graphics by Castleberry Arts

    Since May 23, 2000

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