Tax Records

Beelman, Christian, Carpenter
Occupation $50.00
Total $50.00
Beelman, George, Carpenter
---------- 945.00
27 Acres land, ??tent (unclear writting), $1080.00+
1 horse 30.00
1 cow 30.00
Occupation 200.00 (unclear writting)
Total $1204.00 or 1540.00+ or crossed out (unclear writting)

Beelman, John, Farmer (unclear writting)
---------- $2626.00 (no explanation)
100 Acres of land 30 $3000.00
6 horses 200.00 (unclear writting)
6 head of cattle 90.00
20 head of beef cattle
1 distillery 400.00
Total $5565.00 or $?740.00 $4240(this is marked out)(unclear writting)
Hetrick, Robert, Weaver (unclear writting)
patent (unsure of the writting) $175.00 -
appears to be written as after thought
1 house and lot 2 acres $200.00+
1 horse $15.00
Occupation $50.00
Total $265.00