Here are some people who offer professional research assistance. They can be very useful because they are seasoned professionals who can often get past "brick walls" that have kept you from going further up your family tree.
- AAG International Research uses the world's largest genealogy libraby in Salt Lake City, Utah to help people discover their family tree.
- The Genealogy Pro is another professional genealogy service that will help you find a researcher in your area.
- Accelerated Genealogy Research has research, and free publications to help you learn about your family's roots.
- Ancestor Gallery says "we're dedicated to breaking through your brick walls" and has access to many resources to help your research.
- Genealogy Quest is a full-service genealogy bureau where serious researchers and consultants are to engaged to assist serious genealogists.
- Genesearch is a site done by Joe Beine that specalizes in the USA and Germany in vital records.
- Ancestors LTD offers professional researchers that specalizes in Europe and international genealogy research.
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