I organized this chat club so that we would have NO EXCUSES to lose track of each other!!! Our school friends are some of the most cherished friends we will ever have! They can tell tales on us that we have forgotten ourselves! .......and if we think we have changed since the good old days at Campbell High..........think again!!!!!! The biggest change is the ease that we can communicate on this thing called 'cyberspace'. I am hoping we can do alot of catching up, reminiscing, networking......and even........yes..........gossiping! :) ..............and if Ceree submits the photo of me in my underwear that she passed around at a reunion.......I WON'T PRINT IT!!!!!! ^_^

Although I am setting this up primarily for classmates of the 50's..........other invited guests are welcome. Soooooo catch the excitement! This will be a BLAST! .......

Love, Betsy Ross Brown >>>(the flagmaker) :)
bett_55 in cyberspace!!!!!!!!!