Alpine Bucks

AA1111055 ----- 3/25/99 ----- Broken Chamoise
Limited Semen- 5/$75


                    SS: +B Goodwoods James  2-4  86 (V+V)
SIRE:    +*B Waiilatpu Jim Cowboy  8-4  91  (EEE)
                 Sire of '99 National Best Udder
                    SD: GCH J-M Swan Acres Broken Promises 8*M
                    DS: +B Waiilatpu Yreka Newbold
DAM:    GCH Waiilatpu Newbold Estar  5*M  5-4  91 (EEEE)
                 '99 National 4th place 5 year old
                    DD: Hill N Holler Chardi Kita 4*M

Elijah's dam Estar was 4th place with 3rd udder out of 50 at the '95 National. She placed 4th place with 2nd udder at the '98 National and was part of the 4th place Senior Get of Sire.  In 1999, Estar was 2x BOB and 1x BDIS in addition to her 4th place finish at Nationals. 

Hill N Holler Chardi Kita 4*M  is linebred on ++*B Nixon's Joi Huckster, who has over 24 GCH or CH offspring  He sired the 1st place Senior Get of Sire at the '81, '82, and '84 National shows.  He was also Premier Sire at the '82 National.  We expect great things from Elijah and we are looking forward to seeing his kids.



Waiilatpu Cowboy's Amethyst 2*M, Paternal Sister
1999 ADGA National Best Udder

AA1137446 ---- 3/1/99 ---- Two-Tone Chamoise
Limited Semen- 5/$50


                  SS: ++B Abundance Concerto Maestro
SIRE:    +*B Willow-Run Apache
                  SD: GCH Maple-Glen Classic's Angela 1*M  4-4  92 (EEEE)
'96 National Champion & Reserve Best Udder
                        '97 National Champion

                  DS: ++*B Sand-Dance HLS Rico Suave'
DAM:     GCH Hull's SRS Absolute 1*M
                  DD: Hull's Rainman Appealing

Artist's dam has been 2x BDIS, 2x GCH, 1x RCH, 2x BUIB and 1x BUIS in 2000.  

A1137172 ----- 4/25/99 ----- Broken Chamoise
Limited Semen- 5/$50


                     SS: *B Rancho Snowfall Spectre Samson
SIRE:     Moore's Meadow Samson
                     SD: CH Bosque-Valley Dear to My Heart  2-1  87 (VVEV)
                     DS: Clovis Calloway's M Wildthing
DAM:     Rancho-Snowfall Dixie Jazz  1-1  84  (+++V)
                     DD: CH Rancho Snowfall SP Peg's Jazzy

AA1137449 ---- 5/5/99 ---- Red Chamoise
Limited Semen- 5/$50


                         SS: ++*B Sand-Dance HLS Rico Suave'
SIRE:    *B Willow Run Rico Splash
                         SD: GCH Maple-Glen Classic's Angela 1*M  4-4  92 (EEEE)
  '96 National Champion and Reserve Best Udder, '97 National Champion
         DS: Willow-Run Pablo
                                   Full Brother to '96 Spotlight Sale Buck
DAM:    GCH Hull's WRP Vidal Sasson 1*M
                         DD: Hull's Rainman Appealing

AA1137176 ----- 5/13/99 ----- Cou Blanc
Limited Semen- 5/$90


                          SS: ++*B Shahena'ko W Sumo
SIRE:     GCH ++*B Shahena'ko Sumo Tierro  2-4 75 (AAA)
                 Sire of '98 National Reserve Champion 
                 Sire of '93 & '98 Reserve Best Udder
                        SD: GCH Shahena'ko S Tierra  3-1  91 (EEEE)
'85 and '87 National Champion
                        DS: ++*B Redwood Hills Kane Rainman
DAM:     GCH Redwoodhills Rainman Kayann 3*M  8-0  91 (EEEE)
                  '98 National 4th place Aged Doe
                        DD: GCH Green Valley Kale 2*M

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Last Updated: 9/26/00