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If you found this page, you probably already know me and what's important to me. Alas, this site is a reference to the things I am interested in! Faith, friends, family and fun are the things that I am most passionate about. I enjoy volunteering, exercise, and music. Of course, my family is also extremely dear to me, and you can learn more about them at My sister's homepage or view some of the pictures on my family page.

Here's the family in NYC 12/2005

And one of me on the coast of Plymouth, MA

Family Links and Pictures!


Health Links: Recipes, fasting, etcetera

Faith Links:

Music Links

  • ChristianNet has an extensive collection of guitar tablature available for worship songs.
  • Tabfreak --another site for all guitar tablatures
  • KLOVE Radio--a great Christian radio station playing nationwide and broadcast via the internet. Check it out.
  • Columbia House--buy music here

Social Work and professional Links:

Handheld/PDA Links:

  • Vindigo--your city's information at your fingertips (movies, restaruants, etc...)
  • Avantgo--Take the news and other webpages you like with you wherever you are
  • Palmgear --software and accessories for PDAs
  • Seahorsesoft--has some good games, such as Rummy and other games.
  • Thinking Bytes technology -a great database program for free. Track information, projects, or data with ease.
  • ZDNet--find a whole variety of applications here

Travel, Denver and Colorado links:

  • Air advisory --critical for any fireplace lover in the metro area ;-)
  • Expedia --good for tracking a low fare when you have specific dates in mind
  • Priceline --when you want to get it cheap, and are flexible about your flying time and layovers.
  • Travelocity --great place to track low fares on an ongoing basis

Friends' sites:

  • Side by Side Counseling--Counseling offices of Tania Henderson, LPC
  • Bob Padgett --My friend who is a singer and songwriter (Saskia's husband)
  • Danielle Bailey's website (Skidmore IVCF staff member)
  • Quiet Thyme Day Spa --my friend Monica Harrington's Day Spa in Mason, NH (site by Di)
  • Stephen Hurricane Smith fund --the father of one of my friends (Sarah) was diagnosed in May 2002 with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), and this site is working to raise $200,000 for the equipment he will need to continue teaching as the disease causes paralyzation.
  • Trish Downing --a friend who is an amazing athlete, good training partner and the winner of the 2003 USA Physically Challenged Athlete of the Year.
  • Prisedefer --a fencing program in Massachusetts. My friend Adam competes and teaches with them.
  • Elisa Fadum, LCSW --a friend and my LCSW supervisor (site by Di)
  • RAZ tunes --my friend and former coworker John Pedraza's band (original site by Di)

Other interests and miscellaneous links:

  • My wishlist at the request of family...
  • Blood donation through Bonfils--you can save three lives with one donation!
  • Denver information via
  • The Breast Cancer Site--click here to help donate mammograms to women who otherwise could not afford them.
  • The Hunger Site--click here to help donate money to hunger alleviation organizations.
  • Only the real free stuff-More "click" sites, including food donations and rain forest preservation.
  • Bluemountain Art-greeting cards for all occasions
  • "Life Makeovers"- Cheryl Richardson has some good info here about making change in your life... check it out! My mom sent me the one on financial stuff, it was good.
  • Joy to the world--a cute little movie!

Suggest your favorites as well!

As I encounter more worthwhile pages, and spend some time to upload images and play with my page, it will become more interesting--thanks for your interest! If you have any suggestions or input, feel free to email me. Most recent changes occured 3/28/2006.