Cumberland County and the Civil War  Cumberland County was divided in the Civil War. It has been said that brother even fought against brother and neighbor against neighbor as members of the same family and neighborhood fought for the Confederate and Union sides. No figures exist to show how many people in Cumberland County supported the Confederate or Union side.                                            UNION SOLDIERS  The Crossville Times on March 21, 1889 discusses the organizational meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic John R. Swan Post No. 55. These individuals were men who fought for the Union in the Civil War. The charter members were: J.H Beadle, John B. Haley, Azariah Dorton, Walter Dickson, M.L. Mitchell, J.W. Lowe, Wm. Whitlock,I.N. Watson, James Miller, B.T. Monday, Philip Beyer, R.C. Swan,A.B. Lowe, W.C. Campbell, James Music, J.P. Anderson, and W.C. Hogue. The second meeting admitted the following men: Calvin Kearley, Benj. F. Kearley, E.P. Akin, S.H. Hall, John J. Brewer,and G.W. Weaver.  Please note: These people listed below may have received pensions from earlier wars such as the War of 1812, Indian Wars, etc. Some may have received pensions for service in the Civil War as well.  On November 7, 1889 the Crossville Times identifies the following partial list of those receiving pensions in Cumberland County:Eliza R. Lisk, Walter Dickson, Richard R. Miller, Orion N. Wilcox,Martin L. Mitchell, Eunice C. Winnie, William C. Barron, Joseph Stevens, Cyntha Woody, Mary Renfro, Philip Beyer, J.H. Beadle,Joseph Fitzgibbons, Robert C. Swan, James Mitchell, Edward Good,John Hedgecoth, W.C. Campbell, John Brewer, Benjamin Brewer, and James McCullough.  Click here to go to the 2nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, U.S.A. This site contains a roster and has information on some individuals from Cumberland County.  Click here to go to the Tennessee Civil War Home Page.  Click here to go to the Tennessee Civil War Questionnaires Page.                                        CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS  The following names were taken from the Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications. It lists individuals from Cumberland County filing a Confederate pension application. It gives their names, pension application number and regiment. The applications are on file at the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville.                             Name                                             Pension #                                                     Regiment                            Brown, J.S.                                             11730                                                     1st TN Cav. Co. D                            Brown, L.B.                                             5625                                                     28th Inf.                            Chastain, L.B.                                             2584                                                     2nd Ga. Inf.                            Cox, David                                             13365                                                     45th Inf.                            Cox, Hardie                                             9910                                                     16th Bn (Neal's) Cav.                            Dixon, Daniel H.                                             12945                                                     4th (Murray's) Cav.                            Elmore, Alfred                                             13310                                                     28th Inf.                            Frost, White                                             2305                                                     28th Inf.                            Glass, Alexander                                             748                                                     22nd N.C. Inf.                            Graham, William                                             4510                                                     40th Ala. Inf.                            Hamby, William A.                                             12074                                                     28th Inf.                            Harris, W.H.H.                                             8991                                                     1st (Carter's) Cav.                            Horn, Sherard                                             8503                                                     28th Inf.                            Hughes, J.B.                                             7978                                                     12th Bn. Cav                            Hyder, Jasper                                             2573                                                     16th Bn. (Neal's)Cav.                            Jones, B.F.M.                                             2125                                                     28th Inf.                            Knox, Arch                                             9651                                                     8th (Dibrell's) Cav.                            Linder, George W.                                             2861                                                     4th Cav.                            Loden, James                                             10107                                                     16th Cav.                            Matthews, James W.                                             2129                                                     1st Cav.                            Myatt, J.C.                                             1099                                                     28th Inf.                            Parson, W.F.                                             15218                                                     37th N.C. Inf.                            Smith, Alexander                                             13844                                                     16th Bn. (Neal's) Cav.                            Sparks, Nicholas                                             3853                                                     25th Inf.                            Woody, Alexander                                             2312                                                     16th Bn. Cav.                            Woody, Harrison                                             16285                                                     28th Inf.     In 1891 the state of Tennessee passed legislation to establish a Board of Pension Examiners. This board had the authority to decide if a Confederate Veteran applying for a pension was incapable of "making a support" and if his service was honorable. Veterans must have been a resident of Tennessee for one year before making application. Pension applications contain information related to soldier's descendants, veterans place of enlistment, unit, period of service, battles participated in, and whether he was wounded or place of capturing. It also gives birth, number of children, and value of personal and real property owned by the veteran. Pensions for Soldiers' widows were first issued in 1905. Their applications show place of birth for both widow and husband and names and ages of children. Some marriage certificates may also found in widow applications.         The following were taken from the indexes of Confederate Pension Applications of Soldiers' Widows in Cumberland County:                              Widow:                                           Pension#:                                                   Husband's Name:                             Adams, Nancy                                           11024                                                   R. Thomas Adams                             Agee, Francis                                           8062                                                   I.N. Agee                             Baker, Mary E.                                           1102                                                   Samuel Baker                             Bandy, Margaret                                           2465                                                   T.E. Bandy                             Brady, Ellen                                           4129                                                   S.H. Brady                             Brown, Abbie                                           4175                                                   Jackson VanBuren Brown                             Copeland, Sarah A.                                           3658                                                   S.A. Copeland                             Cox, Mary Ann                                           8627                                                   David Cox                             Eldridge, Francis                                           4622                                                   John Eldridge                             Gist, Nancy                                           1944                                                   John Gist                             Hamby, Nancy F.                                           7221                                                   William Hamby Anderson                             Hyder, Martha                                           4151                                                   Jasper Hyder                             Jones, Mary A.                                           4926                                                   B.F.M. Jones                             Linder, Mary L.                                           5956                                                   George Washington Linder                             Myatt, Elizabeth                                           1346                                                   John C. Myatt                             Rains, Mary Ann                                           8112                                                   James M. Rains                             Turner, Armilda                                           3032                                                   D.C. Turner                             Woody, Polly Ann                                           2134                                                   Preston Alexander Woody   Information provided by Beverly Aytes-Bowhall indicates the following Cumberland County individuals were also in the civil war:  Aytes, Alfred C. - Capt. E Co., 1st Inf.; Federal  Aytes, Julius - Capt. E Co., 1st Inf.' Federal  Aytes, Hugh - Pvt. E. Co., 1st Inf.; Federal  (Source: Tennesseans in the Civil War, Published by the Civil War Centennial Commission, Nashville, Tennessee)