<BGSOUND SRC="turn_your_eyes_upon_jesus.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to my home...
I'm so glad you've dropped in.  I have a story to tell.  I pray it is a story that will touch your heart and change your life.

Gaile, because you were willing to be clay in the Master's hands, and through your dedication and faithfulness, the Master's hand has once again touched me, I dedicate this page to you with all my love and heartfelt gratitude.   
My walk with Jesus has been a harrowing one, and has gone on for the last 30 years.  It has been a walk of ups and downs and in and outs.  Mostly downs and outs.  I've been lied to, yelled at, preached at and used as a door mat.  And so, I decided that if this were a sample of the so-called "christian" walk, it was not for me.  I walked away from the church and from God and decided I wanted nothing more to do with it or Him.
However, there were some things in this "new life" that I could not reconcile.  If I were going to live my life on the outskirts of "christianity" how would I ever get to heaven?  I knew that I could die at any moment and not have a chance to ask for forgiveness.  I also knew that there was only one way into heaven... through the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  How could I live a life that was totally lacking in the "things of God" after having walked so close to Him?  That was easy, allow him only on the fringes of my life, and never closer than "I" chose for him to be.  Never allow Him to get to close.
I lived like that for many years.  And I am here to tell you that a "life" like that is not a life.  There is no feeling.. no joy, no sorrow, no real happiness.  But, there is good news .. Jesus said, "I will never leave you or forsake you".  Then, God got "sneaky" and saved my oldest daughter... I mean SAVED her!  She was/is a firebrand in the hands of the Lord.  There was not a new experience "in the Lord" that she did not share with me.  I was on the phone with her, as much as I was off.  But I would not return to the Lord just to please her.  She never expected me to, nor did she ever preach to me.
Time passed and her life was a glorious testament to the saving grace, power, faith and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.  When she had a trial to go through (and she had several), she stood firm in her faith in God.  She never waivered.  Mom was watching and cautioning her every step of the way.  She made me begin to question this walk I had chosen.. made me open up to the possibilities..until the day came that I wanted something with all my being.  Way down in the depth of my soul I wanted this one thing.. more than life, more than breath..I wanted..so much that I prayed for months. I told no one of this desire.    And on the day that she married, having planned ahead, and not telling me, she asked if I would (along with her dad) give her away... and God granted to me, the deepest desire of my heart.
God knew my heart was melting.. had begun to melt months before when he put me in the path of a christian on the internet.  One who talked with me and prayed for me and my family.  He put christians in my path at work... he sent a very old friend back into my life who is a dedicated christian.. and he worked on my heart and soul.  Today, almost a year to the day of my daughter's marriage, He not only won the battle, He won the WAR!!!  Lord Jesus, today, I place my life in your hands.  Today, my Lord and Saviour, I dedicate my life to you.
Today my new life with Jesus begins.  This new walk will not always be easy and I will take it one step at a time.. but in my heart I know that this is the only way, the best way.  Will you make that decision today, will you give all your sorrows and heartache over to Jesus?  There is nothing too big for God to handle.  He's there for you, He'll always be there for you.  His love and forgiveness are neverending.  Let Him make the difference in your life today.
Behold, I stand at the door,  and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Rev. 3:20
Because He Lives
Debbie & Marcel
Gaile & Rob