Jesus Christ Loves You

Christian AIDS Resources

This site has been designed to offer words of  Encouragement, Hope and Love to ALL people living with the HIV Virus and their loved ones.

We also hope to encourage the Christian community to take up the challenge that is before us to offer Unconditional Love, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Support to Everybody that has been infected or affected by this disease.

You will find valuable materials and links to other resources that will be an encouragement to individuals and Churches that are thinking of starting up an AIDS Ministries.

Christian AIDS Resources Site Map

If you have found this site to be an encouragement and useful for finding Christian AIDS Resources please "Bookmark" it using the link below then forward our Web Address to others so that they may also benefit from it.

Christian AIDS Resources

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As with all information found on the World Wide Web it is VERY important to check it out carefully through other sources. Before making any changes to your treatment plans talk with your Doctor so that together you can make better decisions.
                Web Sites and links listed  on the "Christian AIDS Resources" Web site are listed simply as a source of information and a convenience to you in finding other resources that pertain to HIV or AIDS related subject matter. Being listed on this site does NOT imply approval, endorsement or responsibility for the content of their Web site.

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