Welcome to my corner of
the web. My name is Mary K and cross Stitching has been one of my favorite things in the world to do for the
past 20 years and a great stress reliever. My favorite designers are Marilyn Leavitte
Imblum and Nora Corbett. I also like Marty Bell and Just Nan. I've just discovered
needlerolls. I've collected alot of interesting information on stitching from the Web and a
lot of places to shop or learn new things and hope you'll find it interesting too. So sit
back, smile and click and let's work on enhancing our Stash.

Okay let's start by
working on our Stash first. Here is a list of some really great CROSS STITCH SHOPS
Elegant Stitch A really wonderful place to
shop. Lois is great. Fast courteous service and she has needlerolls. If you don't have a
Local LNS to shop at you can't go wrong shopping here.
The Nordic
Needle What can I say about these ladies, fast friendly service and if you haven't seen
their catalog you just don't know what you are missing.
The Victoria Sampler I just love this
place. So many beautiful things to stitch and they have classes too. Yes you can do them
cyber style. I haven't tried any yet but I hear they are a blast and turn out beautifully.
Peddler This one always have a lot of specials going on and has that lovely hand
dyed linen I love. They also have a great idea for getting all you UnFinished Objects done.
I've tried it and I love it.
Hoffman Distributing This is were your local LNS orders alot of their stuff from. The have a complete listing of shops that carry their stuff. You can go there to see what's new and them go to you LNS to buy it.

Okay now we have the
stash taken care of now let's work on were you can find other people doing the same
things you are as well has places you can go to post questions and tips you may
Mirabilia and Lavender and Lace This a must go to board if you do LL or Mirabella. I have found many answers to questions I have when I ask them there. Also Marilyn and Nora post there from time to time
Paula Vaughn Fans I haven't really done any Paula Vaughn but have several in my Stash. My friends tell me this is the place to go to get tips and meet other PV fans.
123 Stitch Board A good place to shop and a free drawing each month as well as a bulletin board.
Teresa Wentzler's BB A must visit Board if you are hooked on TW designs. We are all a little nuts to do these but the effort is well worth the beauty when finished. All the folks here share our love of TW. She also posts from time to time

CROSS STITCH LINKSThese are some of my favorite places to visit on the web. Some are really fun and some are just full of useful information.
The "Unofficial" Shepherd's Bush Site For all of you who love Shepherd's Bush. I've done a few of their Needlerolls and can see how one could get hooked on these designs.
XStitcher Buddies This is one of my favorite sites. They have stitch alongs, Bulletin Boards, Secret Buddy Exchanges and UFO help.
For all Southern Cross Stitchers There are exchanges, Round Robins, Yahoo Clubs, and lots of fun with these Southern Ladies.
AuVeraSoie Silk Threads All about those beautiful Silk Threads everyone is falling in love with. Be sure to pick the English version as they are based in France and also offer their site in French.
DMC All the wonderful threads DMC sells is right here. They also have Freebie patterns you can mail in for or download.
A Stitcher's Dictionary Now you can learn what all those stitching terms mean.
Mill Hill Co. The bead people. Tips and stuff on working with beads.
Counted Cross Stitch, Needlework and Stitchery Page What can I say about this page except it's one of the best on the net. You can find all kinds of info from how to's to how to clean and frame your finished masterpiece. One of the most informative sites on the net.

Here is a list of some of the other Cross Stitch sites I have visited this past year. Some are from people I've met throught One-list and some I just stumbled on while surfin' the Net. Enjoy
Stitching at the Speed of Life
Cross Stitchin' Lots of Cross Stitch info, a message board and exchanges.
The Flosslady's Homepage. Lots of beautiful Stitching completed or WIP for you to look at and decide if you want to stitch it too.
Kinkells Hompage Also has alot of completed stitching,tips, and Genology too.


Visit other pages in my Site.
Some of My Current Works in Progress
Some Completed Cross Stitch
Some Useful Cross Stitch Information
About My Mom
Some of the cute blinkies I've collected
Where I got these beautiful graphics
Drop MaryK a line. I'd love to hear your comments.
