North Georgia International Harvester Tractor Collector
Last updated: 2/05/2007
Welcome to the North Georgia International Harvester Tractor Collector (NGIHTC) homepage.  I am an IH enthusiast interested in communicating about IH products and history, covering tractors, equipment, toys, and other memorabilia.  I am a member of the International Harvester Collectors (National and Georgia chapters).

The purpose of this web site is to display my IH collection and provide other enthusiast with tractor related information.
Tractors and Awards
Farm Equipment
Toys and Collectibles
Tractor Collector 10 Commandments
Cartoon or Quote
Tractor Exhibits at Fairs, Festivals, and Shows
Tractor Pulls
Parts and Service
Other Web Sites
Visitors as of January 1, 2000
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Web site maintained by: Bill Goodwin