




updated 1/13/04



All the graphics on these pages are free for you to use on your personal (non-commercial) home page. All I ask is that you save it to your own harddrive and that you give a link back to me here



You can use this banner if you like

backgrounds by joelle

Using this code:

  <P><CENTER><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" COLOR="#007CB9"><A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/joelle39/"><IMG SRC="magbyj.gif" ALT="backgrounds by joelle" WIDTH=208 HEIGHT=128 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom></A></FONT></CENTER></P>


Please upload graphics to YOUR OWN SERVER! I sometimes have to change file names and you may be embarrassed if you are linking directly to my graphics.


New -

Easter Backgrounds

Valentine Backgrounds

St. Patrick Backgrounds




Holiday Sets


Christmas sets

fall sets








 Holiday Sets | Christmas Sets | Fall Backgrounds | Cats

Spring & Floral Sets | Kids Sets | Wedding

Just because I'm giving away graphics does not mean I am an expert on HTML or that I have time to help you make a page. I suggest you buy a book about it or check this place out.

Annabella's HTML Help

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