My home here on the web.
I want to share with you some of my life.
My many causes, writings and the many things,
I hold dear to my heart.
Hope you enjoy your visit,
please drop by again
Do not dismiss your dreams
To be without dreams is to be without hope
To be without hope is to be without purpose
~author unknown~
I shall pass through this
world but once. Any good,
therefore, that I can show
to any human being, let
me do it now.
Let me not defer nor
neglect it, for I shall
not pass this way again.
~Steven Grellet~
Proud To Be American!
Please take this Dove and post
it on your web site
to show support for cancer "Victims"
and their families.
It is placed here for my two brothers
"Roho and Joe miss you guys every day of my life"
this beautiful web set by
the beautiful midi on this page
is by the talented Bruce DeBoer
it is one of my favorite
©copright by composer Bruce
DeBoer and used
with his permission. You
may visit his site here:
All poetry on this site is the copyrighted
work of cie at "Southland Dream"
and may not be used without
permission of the author.
Copyright © 2008-2009
All Rights Reserved