Danny's Web Page
Hello, my name is Winfred Daniel Parker, I go by "Danny" and I'm from Dalton, Georgia, the carpet capital of the world. Back in the day, when I was allot younger, my nick name was Hair Bear. Ha, imagine that. I now enjoy working with alcoholics and addicts as I am a recovering addict myself. My clean date is September 9th, 1994. I have found Jesus Christ to be my Higher Power. Sometimes my faith gets weak and I need to see God. In Support groups I can see Him through other people, showing me unconditional Love. May you find Him now.
I am Christian. I was born in 1955. I am a divorced, straight white male. I am proud to say that I have one son and three grand sons. My son's name is Scott and his three boy's names are Steven, Brandon and Matthew. Their the reason for living.
I enjoy anything out doors. My favorite place to visit is Coolidge Park in Chattanooga Tennessee. There I enjoy the carousel as well as the Walnut Street Walking Bridge. It crosses the Tennessee River and has a great view of downtown Chattanooga on one side and the newly renovated Hunter Museum of Art on the other side. It's a great place to go for a short walk or to sit down and have a chat with a friend. It's strictly devoted to walking or bicycles, at one time it was a railroad trestle which had fallen into a state of extreme disrepair, but someone had the genius idea to restore it and turn it into a walking bridge. Great place to go and relax a bit.
As a hobby I make Recovery Buttons, to help carry the message Check out the fun recovery button page "Runs with scissors If you know a recovery saying that
would work on a button, please let me know. Thanks.
"Recovery is
an active process. Relapse begins when active recovery stops. There is no
standing still, taking a breather, or pausing for a rest. When the forward
motion ends, the backward motion starts. A recovering addict likened it to a
tide: It is either coming in or going out, and it never stands still."
Life is too short to waste. I enjoy recovery, snowflakes, photography, hugs,
taking walks, cats, trains, creeks, myspace, Bo jangles fresh ice tea, a walk on
the beach, NCIS, road trips, stand-up comedy, coffee and great conversation,
high thread count sheets, cozy blankets, old people holding hands, spending time
with family and friends, campfires/gathering sticks, fall leaves and many many
other things that are not habit forming.
I helped to organize a group in Dalton Georgia on March of 1989 and in Hayesville North Carolina on March of 2001 called Overcomers Outreach (O.O.) .
Overcomers Outreach is a Christian Ministry Addressing Alcoholism and Drug Dependency.
Through applying the truth of scripture, working the 12-steps, and sharing in fellowship with other Overcomers, O.O .participants let go of past hurts, triumph over current problems, and learn to depend on God. The support group participants, whatever their need, find the extra care and encouragement necessary to grow beyond the wounds of life's battles, the difficulties in family relationships, the bondage of addictive habits and behaviors, and the isolation caused by shame. O.O. meetings are filled with the faith, hope, and love that only God can provide through Christ.
I also enjoy
Celebrate Recovery "The
purpose of Saddleback Church's Celebrate Recovery ministry
is to fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through
the "8 Recovery Principles." This experience allows us to "be changed."
By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow
spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and
dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and
most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.
As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and
forgiving Higher Power - Jesus Christ, the one and only true Higher
Pastor John Baker,
Celebrate Recovery,
Home Page
Celebrate Recovery, Oakwood Baptist Church in Chickamauga, GA
Celebrate Recovery, Point of Need Ministries, Marietta, GA
EmmausŪ is for people who want to grow spiritually and mature as disciples of Jesus Christ. EmmausŪ is for persons who want to build up the church in love and to contribute to its ministry.
The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The program's approach seriously considers the model of Christ's servant hood and encourages Christ's disciples to act in ways appropriate to being "a servant of all."
If nothing changes, nothing changes