![]() "Unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God." |
Our Lady will Lead you to her Son, Jesus. |
The Crisis in the Catholic Church - The Apostasy
The message from the Blessed Mother to Julia Kim, October 31, 1995, Rome, Italy; Julia attended a private Mass with the Holy Father, and when she received Communion, she detected a strong fragrance of roses and blood. The Host began changing to the shape of a heart, into flesh and blood, and a very bright light appeared around the Holy Father, and baby angels dancing and guarding the Holy Father. the Blesserd Mother said to Julia, "The hour of bloody ordeals and purification is drawing near. My Son is still being betrayed, denied and deserted by so many of my children today. Teach the importance of the Mass, the Sacrament of Confession and the mystery of the Holy Eucharist, which perpetually continues the gift of the Paschal Mysteries of the Last Supper and Resurrection. The visible change of the Eucharist today, was to demonstrate that Jesus came to you through the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist, which is the repetition of the sacrifice completed on Calvary, Golgatha, to wash away all the sins in the world with His Precious Blood.
How numerous are the clergy who do not defend truth but keep silent for fear, and remain spectators, because of face-saving in the eyes of others, even when they witness errors, despite my messages of love that I have been screaming until my throat bleeds! Let all know that Sacred Real Presence of the Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where He comes as the Transfuser; help Him wash away the filthy dirt from their souls; and give eternal adoration and praise to the Lord!
More to be blamed are the unworthy and wicked priests, for by the irreverence with which they treat the Blessed Sacrament, the other Catholics have been drawn to undervalue it. If the people see that their priests approach the Divine Mysteries with holy fear and trembling, they, too treat and receive God in like manner."
Archbishop Frane Franic from Croatia has said that, "There are three truths revealed by God, which are very much threatened by some theologians of the extreme liberal group; the integral primacy of the Pope, the integral Virginity of the Blessed Mother, and the integral Presence in the Eucharist of Our Lord Jesus Christ as a true sacrifice of the New Testament."
Many of the faithful do not believe in the Resurrection, nor the perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Mother!! Many Catholics receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at Mass in the state of mortal sin - the confessionals are empty, while the Communion lines are endless!! I have seen Protestant ministers and lay Protestants receive the Eucharist at a Catholic Mass, with the priest aware of the sacrilege!! I have witnessed countless occasions of irreverence at Mass - late arrival, talking before, during and after Mass, and even in front of the Blessed Sacrament, with a priest joining the conversation, with nonsense conversation, laughing, frivolity, talking during the Consecration; despicable dress code, Bermuda shorts, mini-skirts, exposed and plunging necklines - disgusting!! At least those who attend Mass to be entertained instead of worshipping God in awe and wonderment, should have the common courtesy of quiet behavior not to destract whose who have come to pray and behold God in all His Glory!! Fr. Slavko Barbaric said in Medjugorje that "If parishioners do not arrive in church well before the Mass begins to worship God in quiet reverence and spiritual decorum, then do not come to disturb those that have come to Mass to pray - Stay Home!" We attend Mass for the glorification of God, and not our pompous righteousness, as evidenced by infrequent church-goers who command reserved front row pews at St. Paul's Catherdral, Pittsburgh, PA at Christmas Eve Mass - how ludicrous and hypocritical!!! And Clinton was permitted to receive the Eucharist by an African Bishop - how perverse!! A man who continues to sin in the eyes of God and the world ala Herod and Herodias without remorse or repentance.
Some time ago, I asked a priest why does the Diocese not address from the pulpit the many irreverent activities practiced by our "faithful" Catholics, including abortion, in reference to the post Vatican II non-Latin Mass "undisciplined faithful." He responded by saying that, "If the parishioners were chastised for their "irregularities" regarding Church doctrine, they would stop attending Mass, which would affect collections, which would affect the ability to pay the expenses to operate the churches!" Then shut the churches down!! The "tail is wagging the dog" with this disobedience to the True Faith!! Our Lady said in Medjugorje that many souls are destined for hell and purgatory, and very few to Heaven!! Fr. Stephen Scheier was sentenced to hell by Jesus on the judgement seat because he was a priest for himself and persuasive parishioners and not for God. It was the gentle Love of the Blessed Mother that influenced her Son, Jesus, to reverse the decision, by saying that, "He is yours", when Our Lady asked that Fr. Scheier be given special graces and an opportunity to prove himself as a worthy servant of God on earth. Fr. Scheier, who never even prayed the Hail Mary prior to his near-death experience, is now totally committed to the Mother of God, and remarked on EWTN that neither God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit will refuse requests made by the Blessed Virgin. And that she is a powerful advocate in the celestial court and on judgment day!! This is a perfect example of how the Church is being defiled from the pulpit, the apostasy in the Church!! This is why Jesus still suffers and bleeds from the Cross!! Priests that are priests for themselves and not for God!
Since Vatican II, our mystical and spiritually extraordinary Catholic faith has been "watered down" to the point where many Catholics have, in effect, become Protestant in their attitude and behavior, according to the standards set forth by our Pope. Instead of winning non-catholics to catholicism, Vatican II produced the exact opposite affect by many Catholics leaving their faith. We need discipline and orderliness from the bishop and priests, not "milktoast" appeasing, conciliatory, oratorical rhetoric exclaimed in the name of the Lord!! According to Cardinal Ratzinger, Vatican II has caused more damage to the Catholic faith regarding discipline (nuns refuse to wear their habits as part of their vows and become civilian social workers), and the Mass, expecially, than all of the anti-Catholic sentiment for the past 2000 years.
I give testimony to my concerns for the tragic state of affairs in our church, not in an attitude of self-righteousness and condemnation, but of heart-felt sympathy for the faithful, and perseverance of the Catholic Church (Pope John Paul II) in these most tragic and troubled times. We are being presecuted from within the hieracrchy of Catholicism by a constant pressure to change from the dress code of the religious to the liturgy of the Mass. Priests who follow the Holy Father's religious Church maxims regarding John Paul II's position on abortion, divorce among Catholics, and other dicta, are under attack within their own dioceses, as well as our Polish Pope - many cardinals are desirous of his removal from office, because he stands in the way of change, as demanded by the "wayward" Catholics! After our last conference, a religious commented that the SCMC Masses are too long and the conferees have to stand too long and that some of the nuns said the program was too conservative!! I think that pretty much summarizes how spiritually "corrupt" the faithful have become - "Many souls are going to hell and purgatory and very few to Heaven."
John the "Baptizer" and Jesus came into the world professing repentance! Jesus Christ, "the Sacrificial Lamb" hung from a tree for our transgressions! God is angry because his children continue to defile the covenant enjoined upon Abraham and the Israelites who suffered God's wrath. This is why God has sent His Messenger, the Blessed Mother to "beg" Her disobedient, "stiff-necked" earthly children to avoid sin and turn to God on a spiritual path of daily conversion via praying three hours daily by praying a fifteen decade Rosary, Mass, reading Scripture, fasting and regular reconciliation.
Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God and His justice and all these things shall be added unto thee" (Matt: VI-33)
Of the 60 million registered Catholics in the United States, only 20 million attend Mass on Sunday, of which 1/3 believe in the Real Presence in Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, and that the consecration is the sacrificial renewal, re-enactment of the unbloody passion and death of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary - the human sacrifice of the Lamb of God for our sins!
If Jesus did not emphatically mean that the disciples were to literally "Eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, lest you not have life in you; He who feeds on My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and My Flesh is real food and My Blood is real drink; and the man who feeds on My Flesh and drinks My Blood remains in Me, and I in him" (John VI: 54-56), then why did many of the disciples "Break away from His company remarking, "This sort of talk is hard to endure! How can anyone take it seriously?" Jesus was aware of their murmuring and asked "Does it shake your faith? Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you want to leave me too? Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe, we are convinced that you are God's Holy One." (John VI: 60, 66-69) Obvious conclusion: The many disciples would not have departed his company if Jesus meant this to be in a symbolic sense, and would not have been disturbed by such incredible mystical, spiritual remarks! (Jesus knew from the start, of course, the ones who refused to believe - so typical of many today).
Reactions from a Priest (SCMC-98)
Fr. Corbett (who will join us again this year) assisted Gianna during the October 31 healing service, and carried the monstrance among the conferees. He knelt about 10 feet from Gianna during the apparition and his facial expression was "spellbound!" It was his dilligence that provided copies of the message for the 1998 conferees and he remarked, "that is one thing that you can not program into a conference", referring to the unnexpected arrival of The Blessed Mother! It was his enthusiasm that inspired me to lend wider exposure to Our Lady's visit. He is a dedicated follower of Vassula as well, and nearly cancelled his attendance at SCMC-97 when he learned that Vassula would not be present. He later revealed to me that, "The Lord told him to attend the conference."
Father Robert Faricy--Gift of Healing
For the past 20 years Fr. Faricy has conducted monthly healing Masses in Rome with as many as 5000 parishioners in attendance and concelebrated by ten priests. This "spirtual phenomena" originated in 1980 from a simple request by the church secretary for prayer, which resulted in a healing. Since that time, a multitude of healings--spiritual and physical--have occured during these healing Masses, through the power of the Holy Spirit working through Fr. Faricy and his priest colleagues. During the Steel City Medjugorje Conference in 1995, Fr. Faricy reported that while walking from his hotel to the David Lawrence Convention Center, site of the Conference, that the Blessed Mother spoke to his heart and indicated that SCMC's are HER favorite Conference among all of those presented in the United States.
Father McCarthy
Fr McCarthy, a dynamic and inspirational speaker in his own right, has commented that "SCMC-98 was the most spiritual conference I ever attended, and the Masses were the most reverent that I have ever celebrated in my 30 years as a priest."