THE 9th STEEL CITY MEDJUGORJE To be rescheduled sometime in 2003 Location to be determined |
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General Information
The daily program begins at 6:30 am with a 15-decade rosary
prayed very slowly. Our Lady asks that we pray from the heart, and
contemplate and reflect on every word. A two-hour Mass will follow. Speakers and mealtime breaks make up the rest of the daytime
activities. After the dinner break, a two-hour evening Mass will be preceeded by
a 45-minute 5-decade musical rosary.
(There will be no dinner break on Sunday.) |
Other features:
Adoration Chapel (private time with Jesus)
Located in a room on the third level (south). The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed during conference hours, except during the Masses. Please spend some time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament interceding Our Lady's intentions.
Nightly healing services
Friday, Date to be Determined:: To Be Announced
Saturday, Date to be Determined: To Be Announced
Sunday, Date to be Determined: To Be Announced
Private Sessions/healing services ar not permitted at any location at the conference.
Children & Teen Programs
Chilren Youth Program: 4-12
Tean Program: 13+
Organized programs include reconciliation and Mass
Saturday 9:30 to Dinner and Sunday (See Program for Specifics)
Boisterous and overactive children creating a distraction by crying, noise disturbance, and/or physical activity must remain in the "cry room" during the Rosary, Mass or speaker presentations so as not disturb other conferees.
Daily Sacrament of Reconciliation
Priest will be available to hear confessions during conference hours Saturday and Sunday, on main conference area third level
Morning and evening "conservative-reverent" two-hour Masses The sacrifice of a Pontifical Mass will be offered up on Friday evening.
Music provided by a variety of musical guests
Musical Guests To Be Announced
Many speakers to participate in the 3-day program
(See Speaker Schedule) Speakers Schedule)
Bookstore brimming with tapes, videos, books and religious items
An assortment of books, video and audio tapes, rosaries and medals are in the bookstore. Articles will be blessed after Mass. There is a free table located in the bookstore for Medjugorje newsletters and magazines that have received prior approval from Steel City Medjugorje Conference. No literature is allowed to be distributed during this conference.
Pictures, Audio & Video
Personal videotaping, audio recording, camera phototgraphy and cell phones are not allowed in the conference hall or surrounding areas and will not be permitted to pass through the security check points.
Videotapes and Audiotapes of all talks will be available near escalators on the third level and after the conference through order forms posted here on the web page. Please see Audio and Video Tape Order Forms on Home Page.
There are snack bars in the south hall on the second level of the convention center. They will be closed during Mass and the Rosary. There are many hotel's and restaurants within walking distance from the Convention Center. A list of downtown Pittsburgh restaurants, fast food shops, parking lots and locations will be available on site at the information table in the lobby and in your registration packet.
Handicapped Seating
A section for handicapped, elderly, infirmed with their families and those who will require a wheelchair will be made available on request. There is an elevator located on the lobby level for use by handicapped persons.
For more information, call 412-561-4929 or FAX: 412-563-6328 or visit the other pages listed below.
Or e-mail us at: (Click here to initiate e-mail)
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