Animal Totems
Sees behind masks.
There are very few Native tribes, and
I say tribes and not Nations, that have a deathly fear of the owl. The Apache
Nation is a perfect example. The Nation as a whole does not fear the owl
and, in fact, some wore owl feathers on their clothing and headdresses. It
is the Mescalero that fears the owl. There is a known a Mescalero medicine
woman (a real, practicing medicine woman) who is so terrified of the owl
she does a special ceremony if she even sees a photo of one. |
This apparently comes from the beliefs
of these various tribes, few as they are, that the owl carries the spirit
of the recently deceased to the Great Spirit. Thus, the death messenger.
The sound of an owl makes these people stop in their tracks. The sight of
one is enough to scare them and, heaven forbid, if one flew at them, they
would surely die of fright. |
As a totem, owl medicine is a feminine
trait. It is at home, and comfortable, in the night. It has great awareness
of all that is around it at all times. It has predator vision, which means
it sees clearly what it looks at. It has great intuition; it is the totem
of psychics and clairvoyants. It has the courage to follow its instincts.
It is a meat eater, which means it can be a fierce warrior if challenged
or if something dear to it is threatened. |
Owls come in all sizes from a tiny
miniature that actually lives inside the cactus in the desert to the great
horned owl, which is the only bird that can out-fly the golden eagle. A fully
grown great horned is an awe inspiring creature. Its talons are furry and
closely resemble the paws of a baby mountain lion with claws
extended. |
Owl medicine is wonderful to have.
Those who carry it cannot be conned because their vision shows them the truth
of the situation. |
Some graphics were created by
Moon Starz Web
Design. |
Others were borrowed from the following talented
artists... |