Family Creativity
MY VALENTINE By Jan Eduard Vlaskamp (circa 1992) When I saw her I could appreciate That she was looking really fine On a scale of one to eight I would've rated her a nine What I said to her that day I guess was possibly out of line I said, Oh, beautiful please say You'll be My Valentine |
By Leopold
Vlaskamp |
By Jennie Ellen Vlaskamp (nee Osterhoff) (Circa 1940) We Live Again Red and golden tulips, how stately you stand, Like royal queens of olden that come from foreign land. Your garments are so lovely with brilliant hues so rare, The Master's art is seen. His touch made you so fair. And though from distant countries you did roam, We welcome you, dear tulips, to beautify our home. And when your work is done, and you are brown and sere, He planned for you to rest until another year. How like the tulips are our lives, We live and toil and love and learn, And when we've stood the test of life's turmoil and strife, We're gently laid to rest, Until that one great day, we'll hear that clarion call, That vibrant voice which rings through vale and glen: "Awake, ye dead! Arise, and live again." |