The Vlaskamp Domain

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When I saw her, I could appreciate That she was looking really fine. more

We Live Again

By Jennie Ellen Vlaskamp
(nee Osterhoff) (Circa 1940)

Red and golden tulips, how stately you stand,
Like royal queens of olden that come from foreign land.
Your garments are so lovely with brilliant hues so rare,
The Master's art is seen.


Coat of Arms

Muncie, Indiana Newspaper, August, 1918

Holland, Africa, Muncie, Indiana, and France all combine in a unique way to make one of the most unusual and interesting war stories ever unfolded in this city. About twenty-five years ago a Hollander and his wife left their native land and went to British South Africa.

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Kristian Sorensen
Andras Jones
Deep Space Nine's Morn Site
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English-Dutch Dictionary
Dutch-English Dictionary
The Americans , By Gordon Sinclair

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