The Scarbriel

Welcome to our home
on the web! We are the Scarbriel Family, a/k/a, Matt (daddy), Kelly (me or
mooooommmmmyyyy), Kortney our oldest daughter who is now almost 14 going on 18, Madison who is 10 and who is our loveable one, and Alyssa who is 8 and is our "baby". We are a enlisted Air Force family, who's been in for 16 years, well he has,we've just tagged along for 13.5 of them. We are stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Alaska and have been for about 3 years. I am originally from Delaware and all my family basically remains there. Matt's family is from the beautiful St. Thomas in the US Virgin Island and unfortunately we don't get to visit them as much as we really want to.

The last time I was able to update was in 2003 and a lot of time has passed. I am planning an update to the page but until then, please be patient!! Thanks~ The Scarbriels!

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Have a blessed
The Scarbriel

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