

In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful

Islam has come for the guidance of mankind. Man's humanity is centered on his soul. The human soul is neither masculine nor feminine. Islam has reached us through the Quran & the Sunna.
1. In the Quran, Allah declares:
'',,,,,,,,,,Quran is the guidance for mankind".
Therefore it is the soul which will directly benefit from Quranic guidance  
2.Sunnah i.e. the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) is the teacher of mankind
''.................and he teaches them the book and wisdom"
Despite all the above, the woman appears to be deprived of Islamic teachings; whereas the proper training of a woman is actually the training of a whole community, compared to the training of a man which is equivalent to training of an individual only.    In order to redress this problem, to raise women's intellectual level and their awareness of Quranic and Prophetic teachings, the
World  Ahl e bait  Women's  Organization
was founded in July 1999, whose President is the eminent scholar Razia Najafi
1. The propagation and spread of the sublime religious teachings of Islam.  
2. The teaching and explanation of the rich culture of divine revelation.
3. The consolidation and promulgation of foundations of the creed and moral virtues.
4. Creation of the facilities and necessary means for training women.  
5. Publishing books and articles.  
6. Research and writing of books.  
7. Establishing a library specific for women.  
8. Organizing training camps and short educational courses  for women from all over the world.    
In this Information Age, the latest means of propagation is the Internet through which this website is being constructed to popularize the Quran & Sunna among  women. The whole credit for this venture goes to my brother Rohullah Najafi through whose tireless efforts we present this project for your benefit.   Without your valuable cooperation this venture will not be able to achieve its desired results. We hereby await your views, comments and criticisms.


Razia Najafi

World  Ahl e bait  Women's Organization

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