Here's the scoop of what going on (at least as I know it).
Kim got back from Isreal 10/3 - can't wait to hear about it.
Gail got a new deck in her backyard thanks to "Rob's Handyman Service".
Rob is ALMOST done w/ his basement (should we take bets? will it meet code????)
Chris is emailing Roman Rudakas in Russia (maybe he's related???)
Mary Rudakas is Pete Rudakas's grand daughter. She's been putting the name Rudakas in search engines and finding a bunch of Rudakases in Lithuania, Russia, Latvia. She and Chris are sending family info to see if any are our relatives.
Chris and Randy are going to Madrid Nov 2 - 7. They tried for Rome but couldn't get it. All they know in Spanish are "please", "thank you", and "beer". That's real good ... but after "Beer Please" and "Thank you" .... You'll need to "bathroom" !! Better look it up quick!
Jan is getting a pc - but not sure if it's internet capable. Let's hope so, it'll be nice to have her input.
KIDS: Jason made the j.v. football team
Stephanie is in the play at school playing CINDERELLA
Mimi just started Montisorri pre-school and loves it (especially music time!). Jan now is getting a payback for all the times she put Chris through "The Janice Rudakas Show". Jan now has to sing "She'll be coming around the mountain" a hundred times a day - and Chris is lovin' that! :)