What you and other people are saying Please keep writing to us so others would know more about you Here is a sample of what some people have said Click On the name to see the comment Samir Al Hasan Raed Attili Yousef Hejji Basim Abdul Latif Waddah Hayder Bassam Zaidan Eyad Adnan Saleh Muhieddin Najib Rami Abu Sada Alaa Abu Ali Tariq Qasas A Attili Mahmoud Mofid Bassam Amous Bashar Dakka Rushdi Mohmd Khalil Ayman Abu Hasnah Iman Karhani Amjad Yaseeen Ammar Al Shalabi Rami Taiseer Naji Alaa abu Abed Dirgham Amous Nazem Abu Sada(Illar) Taysir Abdul Halim Jamal Sadi Bilal Saleh Ghalib Saeed Khalid Dawoud Moayyad Saeed Hmeidi Mourad Al saleh
From: "Dr.Samir Alhasan" <salhasan@med.wayne.edu>
Salamt: Thank you for the effort. I wish I can know the brother/s who did itSamir Adel Attili Samir Says Again: As-Salam Ulaikum:
From: Raed Attili <rattili@spdmail.spd.dsccc.com> Subject: La Ilaha Illa Allah Mohamad Rasool Allah Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 09:11:13 -0500 Assalamo Alaykom dear brother, I would like to thank you on the great job that you've done creating Attil home page. I really think you did a very good job there. I really would like to help as much as I can in adding more stuff Attil home page. But my info about Attil is not that much. Unfortunately I was born and raised in Kuwait. I visited Attil twice in my whole life when I was very young. But I still have a wonderful impression about Attil in my mind. Best regards, Assalamo alaykom, Ibn Attil Raed
Raed Attili says again Assalamo alaykom dear brothers and sisters, I would like to take this blessed occasion and pray to Allah to bless you and all your families with Khair and Barakat. Ibn Attil, Raed Attili Phone: (972) 477-8614 ALCATEL USA, Inc. 1000 Coit Road Plano, TX 75075 E-Mail: rattili@spd.dsccc.com Up
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 16:36:51 -0600 From: yousef hijii <yhijji@Morgan.EDU Subject: Greetings Organization:morgan state university dear Brothers and sisters;
Basim Abdel Latif Mahmoud Saleh Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 13:14:02 EST From: BSaleh6789@aol.com Subject: I miss Attil I'd like to say hi ( marhaba) from Basim Abdel Latif Mahmoud Saleh from England to everybody from Attil. I'm so glad to see your web on the internet and I'd like to hear from you. Salam alikum Ya Sheikh Affif.I'm looking forward to hear from you.
From: "Haider, Wayne (W.M.)" <whaider@visteon.com> Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:52:07 -0500 Hi, I have no idea who is in charge of Attil's homepage, but I really wan to thank you for your hard work. You made me very proud of being Attilian. I was wondering if this page was sponsored by the Town Council or you love to Attil made you put the time and efforts. Please drop me a line when you get a chance, and let me know more about you. Do you live in Attil? if not, where? Regards, Wayne Haider ********************** Good morning brother, How things are going? I sent you an email a while go describing what Attil homage means to me and how much I appreciate the work that is done by you, but I've never seen published at "what they say". God bless you, Waddah Mahmoud Atieh Haider Regards, Wayne Haider Starter Mfg. Engineering, Phone:(734)484-8885 Energy Transformation Systems Fax :(734)484-9283 Waddah Haider says again "Haider, Wayne (W.M.)" <whaider@visteon.com> Subject:Hello from Michigan, USA Date:Sun, 2 Apr 2000 15:44:52 -0400 I just wanted to thank "Attilco" one more time for putting this Web Page together. Working at a factory is always stressful, where timing is everything and a second means a lot of money, so you can imagine what kind of pressure a manufacturing Engineer goes through when his/her line is down. This page allows me to get out of this mess and travel thousands of miles to enjoy our beloved Attil. My name is Waddah Atiyeh Haider, Graduated from Attil High in 1982, and currently I reside in the United States. I graduated form Wayne State University with a bachelor in Electrical Engineering, and I work for Ford Motor Company. I am still attending college in pursing of a master degree in business Administration. By the way, My friend Dr. Samir Alhasan graduated from the same school with a Ph. D. in Biology. Dr. Alhasan's family and myself are the only Attilans in the State of Michigan. My email address is whaider@ford.com or whaider@visteon.com, and I would love to always to get in touch with "ahel Attil". Salam Up
Shukran. I have received the email & already stored them on my PC. By the way. You can send emails to bassam.zaidan@meuk.mee.com they come to the same address. I must say this is superb. when I get a computer, I want to do the same. This is brilliant. I will also look to see if we have photographs for the area Bye for now Bassam
From: "Eyad Adnan Saleh" <eyads@ccs.com.jo> Subject: My love to Attil..... Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 Salam Allah Alykum...every one visit this page. I'm Eyad Adnan Mefleh Saleh....live in Amman...born in Kuwait ...from Attil .... work as Computer Engineer.... in the field of Oracle as Database Administrator ...... I'm very happy to see that some people still think in Attil even they are away from it. ...and I'm with the idea to make virtual Attil on the Internet.... and I'm ready to help u with many pictures of Attil,with information,with trees of family. ..also in designing the page...... Again....My warm feelings to Attil and to all its people... Eyad Saleh email: s_eyad@hotmail.com or eyads@ccs.com.jo
From: "Muhieddin Najib" <najib@nortelnetworks.com> Subject: Greetings to the People of Attil Muhieddin Hi to all who belong to Attil in any sense. Thanks for the "Attilco" for a great idea and for the effort in maintaining the site. The webpage is truly a means of communications and a method for getting people closer. Attil is a small town in many measures, but the irony is that we don't know much about each other. We are basically everywhere in this world. My name is Muhieddin Ahmad Najib Amer. I was born, raised and had completed my pre-collage education in Attil. Currently, I live in USA-Texas. I work for Nortel Networks as a technical advisor for the design and optimization of mobile cellular communication systems. I'verecently received my Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. I still visit Attil every few years. My e-mail is najib@nortelnetworks.com. You are all welcomed to write me at this address if you wish to chat. Muhieddin Please see Graduates section
From: Rami Abu Sada <amllak@planet.edu> Thanx how are you all... I am RAMI ABU SADA ... I am live in attil city now , & i am working maneger computer Dep in Palestinian National Authority Ministry of Finance " in property tax directorate " . thanx see u all bye now rami Up
From: ala abuali <ala2000_306@yahoo.com> Subject: Hi(marhaba) Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 01:54:34 -0700 your brother: Ala' Hasan Mustafa AbuAli. Attil-Tullkurm phone: (00972-9-2662846. To all members in (Attilco); and i hope to answer me and tell me about you and any new news you know Ala Says Again Salam Allah Alykum; Really every body when he see this construction he feel that there are brothers in every place in the world, and i wish to start the relationship between us in shortest time, this the second massage but it is not the final because i will try to connect from every one he like that and i will tell you about every thing he need to know it if i can do that.On the other hand i visited home page before write this massage and i know about the picture before to become ready on it from (Attil), but i couldn't see any one from you, so i hope to continue on this page because it is the alone communication for us.Finally i wish to know about every one from Attil and he read this page by writing for it. ALA' HASAN MUSTAFA
From: Tariq Qasas
<TULKARIM@aol.com> Hi i' m Tariq Qasas. I'm 9 years old. My father told me about Attill website and I opened the computer and went to it right away. I really like the picture of Attil.I know that some of my relatives live there and i'm going to visit them sometime.Keep up the good work on the website and whenever I have time to visit Attil Website I will. Tariq Qasas says again Subject: Inner thoughts Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 21:58:20 EST Attil, o' it has been long since I have visited you, you have not
changed a
Sat, 28 Aug 1999 13:34:06 In Part News : I want to tel you that Mr. Taiseer Naji is the headmaster of Attil Secondary Boy's School since a year and he works hard to make it the Ideal school in the distrect .
From: mahmoud atili <mahmoudatili@yahoo.com> Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 07:37:03 -0700 So do email me. if you need any help.
"basman amous" m_amous99@hotmail.com Subject: hi attil Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 13:48:41 IST The Text is in Arabic ????????????? ????????????????
hi all palestinians Im Bashar Awad Dakka from attil> I am very happy when i see my village on the internet>I thank all peopol who do any thing for this website about my selfe:->>my name is : bashar awad mohammad dakka age : 25 y studied computer for 4 year in amman i live in attil now>> i opened Establishment futuer computer & electronic in tulkarm>>> and now good bye bashar dakka>> thanks Bashar Dakka
Rushdi Mohammed Khalil Abu Faza'a 5/11/1999 Good day, I hope to developed this homepage in future, and to use this homepage as a communication center between all the Attilians in the world. I knew their fathers, as since many years I am away of Attil.and my last visit to Attil it was at 1975. Now, my name is Rushdi Mohammed Khalil Abu Faza'a, borne in Attil at 20/12/1942 and studied in attil for few years and had finished the secondary class in Kuwait, after that I had been high graduated from Beirut as accountant. during that period I was working a salesman in Kuwait till 1971 when I start my own business, and stayed in Kuwait till 12/08/1990 after that I left to Saudi Arabia, and start again my own business, I am located as my head office in Dammam and covering my business all Saudi Arabia, specially the main cities. I hope I can offer some thing to participate with all the efforts done by any one, Again I hope to see this homepage as a communication center between all the Attilians. All the contacts will be welcomed from me or all my brothers in Saudi: Nazmi , Mowaffaq , Khairy , Rasheed , Yousuf Note: Attil Homepage would like to pay Tribute to Rushdi and all of his brothers and all members of his family on the death of their father Abu Rushdi who died in Attil in October 1999. ( Rahmat Alllah on his soul).
From: ayman abu hasnah" aburakan22@hotmail.com Subject: al salm3likum Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2000 13:43:53 GMT i would like to thank you on the great jop that you have done creating attil home page and i would like to say hi from Ayman Talat Abu Hassnah to every boday from attil . "ayman abu hasnah" <aburakan22@hotmail.com Mon, 10 Jul 2000 09:05:14 GMT hi there .. and i would like to know if there is any address u know can show me the tawjehe result in palestine and thankz again for your great jop . see u soon and plz replay me as soon as u can
"I. K." woodyleb@terra.net.lb Subject:I want to subscribe Date:Wed, 17 May 2000 22:06:42 +0000 Assalamu alaykom evryone, I want to express how much i am happy with your site.My mom is from Attil,but she never saw it,You made a big favor to us, she saw it now...If there is a subscription list,pls can you put my name in it: Eng.Eman Karhani I'll tell my brother & sister,they know a lot about sites,to see this page & give their suggestions & help Fi aman ELLAH. Thank u from : Iman Karhani,Diploma in CE Email : woodyleb@terra.net.lb - ICQ : 54244808
From:"Amjad Yaseen" <engyasin@hotmail.com> Subject:Eng. Amjad Mohammad Shafeeq Yaseen ( Natoriyeh) Date:Thu, 30 Mar 2000 11:38:46 GMT I would like to thank everyone participated in this page either by designing or by participation either by words or information. Ammar Al Shalabi From: Al ARMS <ammars73@yahoo.com> Subject: congratulation, Date: 19 Mar 2000 01:27:49 -0800 (PST) hello, it have viewed the site of Attil and i found it pretty cool,i am indeed glad to have seen it.Actually it is my first time to see Attil . thanks be to all who contributed to make it possible for us to view the site. i wish u the best of luck. Ammar Al Shalabi RWTH Aachen phone 0049-241-86752 Deutschland Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/ammars73/ OR http://ammar.what.cc
From: mahmoud atili <mahmoudatili@yahoo.com> Rami Tayseer Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 02:39:20 -0800 (PST) Al Salam Alykom I am RAMI TAYSEER NAJEE ATTILI a finantial accounting I fineshed my Degree in Al Yarmook University- Amman. I am happy that I joined you in as such site. I am working in Ramallah. As chief accounting in Al Masree Group companie Rami Najee Attili
alaa abu-abed <a_abuabed@yahoo.com> son of attil Mon, 3 Jan 2000 13:53:41 -0800 (PST) AL SALAMU ALEKOM.. MY NAME: ALAA ABDULGHANI M. ABU_ABED. BORN IN KUWAIT , GRADUATED FROM AL-ISRA UNI. FROM AMMAN 1998, COMPUTER SCIENCE. WORKING NOW IN SAUDI ARABIA.. KODAK COMPANY.. "DIGITAL PROFESSIONAL DIVISION". first of all i would like to thank you for your efforts.. and i wish to all attily to have a great life .. and happy EID. I opened before many web sits . . but this is the first web i felt very comfort when i open it.. if you need any more information or photo i'll send to you. Thanks to you again and best regards. ALAA A. ABU_ABED a_abuabed@yahoo.com
From: Dirgham Amous (EUS)" <EUSDIAM@am1.ericsson.se> Subject:RE: Attil DateThu, 14 Oct 1999 22:34:53 +0200 Hi, Well, I Graduated from Attil's Lovely and highly ranked High school to which Ido Owe Alot in 1987.I got my B.S degree in Electrical Eng from U.T.A , Tx and Currently Employed at Ericsson Inc In Tx. Attil Is Our Origin and inshallah will be our Destination. Long Live Attil and its People. BR..//..Dirgham Up
Nazem <nazem@rss.gov.jo Great job Wed, 05 Jul 2000 07:55:15 +0200 Thanks for the good job of Attil site,you should add the newly weddings to the news. also,not forgetting the old fighters of Attil,s Thowwar Abdulla Asaad. yours, Nazem Abusada of Ellar (neighboring town)
From: Taysir Abdel-Halim" taysir.halim@paltel.net Subject: Congratulations!!!!!! Organization: Palestine Telecommunications Company Asslam 3alaikum, It might be late, but I feel that I have to drop a statement in this context. I (as many other Attilians) am proud of the staff worked on this wonderful site, I salute all of u bros 4 the great effort u paid and still paying to make this dream of many Attilians come true. Please dont hesitate to contact if you find me helpful in any way to promote and improve this site or any other topic. Thanx 4 everything done and to be done 4 the improvement of this site, and wishing u all the success. Anyone wish to reach me, can do @ Eng. Taysir Abdel-Halim, Manager Information Technology Department thalim@arabia.com taysir_abdel_halim@hotmail.com thalim@maktoob.com
From:"Saidi" <saidi@accesswave.ca Subject: Good Work Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 15:01:00 -0400 That is a very nice homepage. Keep up the good work, and good luck. It's nice to also have sound, or music, when you first enter the homepage. I'll keep visiting this site every once in a while. Attil is my home town. regards, Jamal Saidi UpEng. Belal Saleh From:"WDJ admin" <admin@wdj.net> Subject: Inquirey Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 20:56:45 +0200 Dear webmaster, I'm Belal Mohammed ali saleh Abu Khaleel from attil I have an Internet Services company in Amman Jordan , I'm very proude of this site, and i offer you Domain Name and Host for free of charge and also submitting the site for over than 1000 search engine, If you agree i will create it and send the FTP settings to you . We can also provide you with any solution , such as Chat forums geustbook ... and any other solutions you want .... we have developed a new system to make it easy to update the webpages without using FTP .... looking to here from you soon Regards Ghalib saeed(abu Aysha) From: Ghalib saeed(abu Aysha):gabs@idx.com.au Subject: Attil page, Date: Mon 06 Mar 2000 18:53:56 +1100 Dear Brother/Sisters in AttilIt is nice to know there is somebody cares about his town,it is good work you have done to promote and present Attil to the world,we all should be proud of where we came from,and Attil is really the centre of the surrounding towns.I have been there recently and I was pleased what I saw,hope to come back again inshalla. Keep the good work and may God bless you all. Ghalib saeed(abu Aysha) khalid dawoud From: khalid dawoud <khalid.dawoud@usa.net> Date: 17 Feb 00 05:00:27 MST I would like to be one of attil sons graduates menu Please see Graduates
From:"moayyadh" <moayyadh@go.com.jo> Subject: Thanks Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 22:55:22 +0200 It is very much interested to have a web for Attil in the INTERNET, Thank you very much for your efforts,regards to all friends from Attil the capital of Al-Sha'raweyya. I am sure by now the people of ILLAR and Deir El-Ghosoun will be gellous from us and have their own web . Moayyad Saeed Hmeidi Amman Mourad Al-Saleh From: "Mourad Al-Saleh" <mourad@YorkU.CA> Subject: Hello Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 02:35:27 -0000 Assalam Alaikum, First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mourad Al-Saleh from Attil.I live in Canada. I am studying Computer Science at York University, Toronto. Second, I would like to thank everyone who participated in creating Attil's website. It is a great idea and an excellent means of communications between the brothers who live outside Attil. I am going to include my picture with this message, in case anyone reads my message and wonders who's this guy Mourad. Once again thank you for your effort and I will be glad to help if possible. You can reach me at the following address: mourad@yorku.ca Mourad Al-Saleh York University Toronto, Canada