The first thing to remember is that:
team does NOT camp, never has, never will
we catch a team camping, we will call them on it
team does NOT cheat, never has, never will
we catch a team cheating, we will expose them
support each other, win or lose. We win as a team and we lose as a team.
like to have fun but we don't want to take all night to play a
match either.
all like FAST players. It doesn't mean there
is no chatting going on, it means players who don't take 5 minutes to play each
card for whatever reason.
try to be considerate of other players: during matches, our team members
keep zm's (and all other kinds of messages) to a minimum and even avoid them if
possible. We appreciate the same respect in return. We all
understand that when we play another team captain, sometimes that match will
take longer.
one or more players are lagging, we know just too well that lag on the zone can
not be helped and is something we all have to live with. Just like boots.
You can find the CribGreats on the Zone in the Team Room every night. All our players are addicted to crib and love the game, the friendly competition and above all, love to WIN.
Cases has set many rules to follow and yep, you got it, some people break at least one or two every night! Where would the fun be if everybody played by the rules?? LOL If you want to see a copy of the rules, click here.