
Well, this is it folks ... after months without updates, I've finally decided to put this site out of it's misery! :)

After over two years of being on the internet, I'm shutting The Danger Room down for good.  I realized that it's pointless for me to invest countless hours into a site that's really no longer needed on the internet -- there's just too many X-Men websites out there these days!  Back when I started the site, there wasn't a whole lot around.  Now, there's so many good sites out there and they're updated daily!  I never did that!

With that being said, I have a feeling that this place won't be missed too much, but that's ok -- I had fun while it lasted!

I do plan on coming back sometime in the near future to work on a few projects I have in mind ... until then, I'm outta here!  If you have any ideas about what I could do for another website, or if you just want to talk comics, e-mail me sometime :)

