My dream for future MA My Dream

You can find beautiful people only at the beautiful places. Our country is one of them. As the mountains have all colours as our women are quite different.

They are unique inside but all of them have common Dream of Love and Happy Family. They have come to Agency with purpose to find someone and to share the good times as well as the bad, to walk side by side with, shoulder to shoulder, expriecing what life offers together.

Everything from quiet evenings at home to the most exciting things that two companious can dream.

We invite men to place their advertisements and meet with Dream.


Information Women till 35 y.o. Women after 35 y.o.

Contact person - Gennady Poddudnick

Our mail:

Address: ap.2,26a,Logvinenco str.
Bishkek city,Kyrgyzstan

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