My name is Rebekah
       I'm 8 years old.
My name is Theresa, & I'm 7yrs old
Rebekah Katherine Machemer was born on December 14,1995.  She was, of course, born during the proverbial snow storm.  Multiple feet of snow was dumped in Reading,Pa that evening, causing us to have a fairly stressful drive to the hospital. 
Theresa Korynne Machemer was born on February 28,1997. Theresa's claim to fame is that she bit my OB's finger upon being born. She's still as fiesty as ever!. 
Zachary Ryan Machemer was born on September 12th, 2001.  He arrived very quickly, and thankfully we had a scheduled birth, or else we never would have made it to the hospital in time.  Zakk's unforgetable moment was that he pee'd all over my dr. just before being circumcised.  We all got a good laugh over that one! 
Ian Jakob Machemer was born on May 23rd, 2003.  I went into labor smack in the middle of the night and annoyed Chris the whole drive to the hospital bugging him to drive faster.  Ian came into the world crying more than any of his siblings, but now that he's here, he's simply wonderful. 
Scroll down for Individual page links!  Thanks! 
Picture Pages:
Hi everyone! My name is Zachary and I'm 2yrs old!
September 2001
Hello from the Machemer Family!
Fall'01-Winter '02 Pg 2
Theresa's 5th Birthday
Zakk 6 months old
Easter Pics 2002
June 2002,fun days
July/August 2002
Hi!  My name is Ian Jakob and I was born on May 23rd, 2003! 
Welcome Ian, May 2003
Zakk's New Big Boy Bed
Playing House Together
Ian 3 months old
Dec. 2003/Jan. 2004