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Welcome To
The Litter Box

Welcome to my website. My name is Julie, but many of you know me as Kitten. I started this page shortly after I bought my first computer in 1997. I was going to use one of the web page building tools that Geocities offered, but received so much heckling from an online friend (you know who you are), that I went out and bought a book on HTML coding. After pulling out my hair for about 24 hours, I finally grasped the method of coding and build my first very basic, though large, web site.

Well of course almost as soon as it was done, I wanted to revamp this site, but the task was intimidating. 5 years later, I have finally decided I couldn't stand it any longer. Though this site is not very sophisticated by many standards, it is compared to the old pages. I hope you find something here useful or amusing (hopefully not just the pages themselves).

 A Bit About Me
Lake Minnetonka
Sunset On Lake Minnetonka

I was born in 1963, and am much older than about 98% of you that will read this. I have always lived in the great state of Minnesota, and can't imagine living anywhere else. I am a 1982 graduate from the Minnetonka High School and attended some classes at the Minnesota School of Business in Accounting and Data Processing.

I spent 12 years out in the rural farm settings of Southwestern Minnesota and got to play farmer's wife for 5 of those years, and then divorced farmer's wife for the last 5 years. While out there I had the chance to embrace small town life and loved it. Unfortunately my family lived 2 hours away and job market wasn't the best. So in 2000, I took the steps necessary to move back to the Minneapolis suburbs. Also, unfortunately, I moved in with a young man who proved to be years more immature than his age. Thankfully he moved back home after only 7 months and I was able to move on with my life.

 My Interests

Link to some for my favotite pics from MVHS
I have a strong belief in volunteering and have volunteered with many organizations including: Minnesota Valley Humane Society, American Red Cross (Redwood Falls Chapter), Rural AIDS Action Network, Willmar Area AIDS Committee, and Single Volunteers of the Twin Cities.

My interests are wide and varied. I love spending time with the animals and people at the shelter. I enjoy spending time online with friends and playing my favorite, horrible internet game P. War (which I will not post the full name of, to keep the underaged away) Those of you that play it, will know what I mean. I love to stamp (like in rubberstamp, making cards etc.). I love traveling, and went on a couple of wild get-togethers with some friends from the net a few years back. Also I just recently managed to FINALLY get to Europe where I did a whirlwind tour of 9 countries in 19 days, with my older sister. Now I know which countries I would like to go back to and feel confident I can do it on my own.

 My Family
Michelle, John, Me and Lisa

My Parents are John and Norma, they are recovering alcoholics and were divorced in 1985. My father has since remarried.

I have two sisters, Michelle and Lisa, two brothers, David and John. I also have three wonderful nieces, Joanna, Jamie and Shayla, two teriffic nephews Noah and Jackson, and a great-nephew (nephew once removed) Emmaus. In addition to all those, I have oodles of foster nieces and two cats, Mouser and Emily, whom I call my kids, since I they will probably be the closest thing I have to the real thing.

David moved with his family to New Mexico a few years ago and I really miss all of them (cuz I love them like crazy!).

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