Please Sign This Petition!

Please, sign this online Petition. Let your voice be heard. Together we can stop this!

There is a travesty occurring in our judicial system. Please take a moment to read this, then sign the online Petition. You can make a difference.

What Was YOUR Credit Like When
You Were 9 Years Old?

Well, how does in gross excess of $30,000 in the hole sound to you?

Yes, you heard it right. This 9 year old little boy has well over $30,000 in bad credit. And no one wants to do anything about it.

Here's The Story

I have, in my possession, several credit reports totaling tens of thousands of dollars in bad credit. Incredibly, they belong to a little 9 year old boy.

9 Year Old Boy!

His own father, Jeffery Buffington Brice, Sr., is using this child's, Jeffery Buffington Brice, Jr., social security number to obtain credit, which in turn, he never repays thus running his (the little boy's) credit in the ground!

The authorities have been notified, social security has been notified, but no one is interested in pursuing this most heinous act of fraud.

Social Security actually told us that it was "more trouble that it is worth" to go after this guy. They are more interested in people fraudently obtaining SS benefits. Well, if this unscrupulous slime would actually steal his little boy's social security number to ruin his credit, what would stop him from seeking benefits later? If he can do this, he is capable of anything!

He Must Be Stopped!

This man has been confronted by one loan agency, he was advised to pay up or the agency would prosecute. He paid, then turned around and did it again! I am the only voice my little boy has.

What If This Were YOUR Child?

The Louisiana government is not interested in stopping this monster, thus perpetuating his fraudulent spree. They simply say that it "happens all the time."

Well no wonder! Of course it will happen all the time! No one is doing anything to stop it!

You Can Help!

We are attmpting to have this case heard before a Federal judge to prosecute Jeffery Buffington Brice Sr. We are trying to get as many names on this petition as possible in order to "force" this action. With the evidence we have and your support, we just may have a shot at putting this guy out of commission and making him pay for what he has done. Can we count on you?

Please, sign this online Petition. Let your voice be heard. Together we can stop this!

If you prefer a more private way expressing your views, sign the Offline Petition

You may also print this text Petition and get signatures, then mail it to the address below.

Time Is Of The Essence!

UPDATE! 08/99

First round of information was turned over to federal investigators and case was assigned! Thanks for your support, now we need to turn up the heat! Please forward this to as many people as you can and let's get a lot more signatures so we can make sure this guy never does this to anyone else again!

Please, link us from your site, send this to everyone you know, get the word out!

UPDATE! 11/99

The Sally Jesse Raphael show approached Mr. Brice and me to appear on the show. In the beginning, Mr. Brice was willing to appear, however, once I produced reports, contacts and other evidence, he became suddenly inaccessible. When the producers finally reached him, he said that his attorney had advised him not to appear. When an invitation was also extended to his attorney to appear as well, the offer was declined. Hmmmm...

Mr. Brice Responds!
On October 11, Mr Brice responded to this site. Below are his comments - my responses are in red.

Dear Stephanie, I see you have not changed your ways. If this was not so sad, it would be very amusing. It is very funny to me, because I know the truth. These poor misguided people that you are trying to deceive don't know you like I do. Typical abuser behavior - deny everything, make the victim or the accuser out to be evil and decietful. Wait, it gets better.
It is a shame that you would go to these lengths to try and obtain custody of our children, I do have custody and have had legal custody since we divorced in March '96.
when we all know all you REALLY care about is trying to get $1500 a month in child support.

$1,500?? I only get $444 a month in child support for 3 children. And as of November '99, Mr. Brice has not paid his child support in a year. This does not include the $2,700 plus that he owes from previous arrearages. This doesn't even make any sense.
I know you are desperate, but this is ridiculous!! Why have you not posted these credit reports yet?
Because I am waiting for the right time. I have the reports, they are downloaded, all I have to do is post them. It just isn't time yet. "Maybe" because this is all a figment of your wild imagination!
Well, then it must also be a figment of the bank's imagination. My son wanted to open a savings account, but he can't because of his credit.
See you in court in January...don't think I have ever looked more forward to seeing you!
We go to court for final venue and custody for the children in January. Wouldn't this social security business be considered irrelevant?
p.s...the last web site you had, you were looking for a lesbian lover. Have you found one yet? If not, Linda said to call her.
You know, I often wondered where that came from, how it came about. I found it rather amusing. Mr. Brice tried to make me out to be a lesbian, then he tried to use it as a basis that I should not have custody of the children. In his opinion, lesbians are unfit mothers. Hmmmm...
p.s.s....To all of these people, I apologize for Stephanie's split personality. I tried very hard to have her see a psychiatrist while we were married, but she would not do it. Guess I should have tried harder.
He tried to keep my from seeing a psychiatrist when we were married. I had to go behind his back and it was the therapy and support I received that allowed me to escape his abusive, controlling clutches. He tried to kill me on several occasions, beat me, beat the children (yes, I have pictures) and controlled every aspect of my life. I got out, I got therapy and it was the best thing I have ever done. If you want to know that story, you may visit You Can Escape!. It is my survivor's site for people who are survivors of domestic violence or are in abusive relationships. Something good did come out of the hell I endured for 6 1/2 years, I have 3 beautiful children and I can help other people in similar situations. Oh, and the crazy part? Again, typical abuser behavior - the victim is crazy.
Sincerely, Jeffery B. Brice Sr.
There, now you see Mr. Brice in his true form and then you have the truth. I leave the rest up to you.

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Notice: We will soon be posting the actual credit reports at the site.

Thank you for your support.

Send petitions to:
Stop Social Security Fraud
821 N. 27th Street #353
Billings, MT 59101


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