Welcome to Heartland Heartbeat!
If your children are not in school yet, they will be soon right? Do you have an hour to surf around Heartland? Maybe you have less time; not a problem. Make sure to bookmark our site to visit newly provided links to the topics of your choice. Or stop by the community centers and say hello to the community leaders. Better yet, how about joining the many different Heartland web rings we have or submitting your site for one of the committee or community center awards?! In the mood to play a quick game? There's a couple of links listed below, including one at our featured site for the month of February.
For the month of February, we take pleasure in featuring Big Country Peacock Chronicle on our home page. But don't forget to check the other pages out to see more Featured Sites. While your at it why not nominate your favorite site! Check back with us each month to see who's site will be faetured next. It might even be your own!
Would you like to have our logo to put on your page? Just right-click the logo below and save to your hard drive. Be sure to link it to: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Country/6057

Pick your pleasure from the list below - or play them all!
Heartland Connection's Maze
Are you up for a challenge and like to solve mazes?? Hmm, this one can be tough but why don't you try it?!
Guess that Song
How musically inclined are you? Well go on over to Heartland Helpline and find out!
Baby Match Game
So you think you can match up some of the CLs with their baby pictures? Heartland Helpline has match game going on right now. See how well you can do!
Trailblazer Community Center Games
Get your java loaded and ready to go. Trailblazers have three games for you to play.
Baby Boomer Quiz
Are you a baby boomer? Take the quiz and find out!
Candy Bar Quiz
Do you know your chocolate bars? There are crosscut pictures of eight candy bars. See if you can name them.
Name that Candy Bar
Listed are twenty hints; try to name the candy bar!
Be sure to check all our pages to visit the Heartland Committees. We have tried to categorize the committees to fit each topic.
Heartland Carnival
We list your site so that others may find you and enjoy your home page.
Heartland Select
We help Heartlanders place their home pages in the correct categories to help others with similar interests find them.
Heartland Hospitality
We welcome Heartland's newest homesteaders and provide important links for building their Heartland page.
Heartland Hallmarks
The Heartland Hallmarks Award replaced the Geocities Featured Page Award. Pages are reviewed by two Community Leaders who award only the best of the best of sites.
Heartland Award of Excellence
Awarding those homesites in Heartland that are outstanding in content and design.
The Three Musketeers
Defending the rights and values of the Heartland family community.
Heartland Community Centers |
Yahoo! Clubs for Families |
Heartland Heartbeat Links |