On April 8 1998 , A little after 12 am, My father was driving home from work. Joseph Odonell was driving in his truck, managed to swerve around two other cars into a saftey zone, blew a red light and hit my fathers car sending into a pole. They say my father was killed instantly. Joseph was then arrested and his BAC was 2.0 Double the legal limit here in NY. After almost Two years Joseph was sentenced to 3-7 on January 14,2000. My father was a great man. He was a grandfather to a grandson, and one he will never know. He was a husband, to my mother, who has lost her soulmate. He was a friend to many. My Dad collected wheatie pennies, and was rebuliding a Nova with my brother. In 1996 my father had a heart attack, which required him to have a Quadruple Bypass. He recovered from that and was determined to stay healthy, He ate right, quit smoking,exercised daily,
My father had gotten a second chance to live. He started a new job, and they were doing good. Now we have some what adjusted to life without him. Some not fully. It is a shame that in order to see my father on holidays, in need to go to the cemetary. PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE YOU DON'T HURT YOURSELF YOU HURT OTHERS. |