// Used to detect visiting browser. var browser=navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion; var getkey=browser.substring(0, 12); function goodBye() { // Load an Alert Box only if detected browser is Netscape 2.0. if (getkey=="Netscape 2.0") alert("\nThis is the most I could get "+browser+" to do.\n\nHarry"); else { if (confirm("Would you like to sign our Guest Book before leaving?\n\nFeedback is always welcome... , \nso, leave some email or ... , \nsign my guest book! :-)) , \n\nAngels Watching Over You, Brat & Sleepy, 'The Sugartwins'")) { alert("\nGREAT!!!\n\nA new window will open and load my Guest Book,\njust close it when you are done.\nThanks and happy surfing,\n\nBrat & Sleepy 'Sugartwins'!"); window.open("guestbk-s.htm","newWindow","height=700,width=700,top=0,left=0,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,resizeable=1,menubar=1,location=1,directories=1,status=1"); } else alert("\nThanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed your stay. \n\nTell your friends and come back soon. \nHave you bookmarked this page? \nEnjoyed the rest of my pages? \n\nAngels Watching Over You, Brat & Sleepy, 'The Sugartwins') } }