The Nangle Family
Genealogy Homepage


Dear Nangle Family Researcher,

The purpose and goal of the Clan Nangle Family Genealogy Association is to document and share genealogical data on the Nangle surname from around the world and all periods of time. This includes various spellings of the surname: Neagle, Naugle, De Nangle, Nangles, Hangle, etc.

We wish to invite you to join us in researching our world-wide Nangle family, All research submitted will be made available to all family researchers and included into the data base and analyzed for any connections to other known Nangle family branches. A line number will be assigned for ease of identifying other members who are researching your line. Our goal is to merge some of the 80 or so lines by identifying and documenting a common ancestor.

Over the past eight years we have amassed a great deal of Nangle genealogical information, most, but not all, is available on line.

This website serves as a contact point for Nangle researchers everywhere. Please feel free to contact us regarding your Nangle relative. Perhaps we'll have some additional information for you.

Please leave us a comment in the Guestbook, we'd love to hear from all Nangle Family members from around the world.

Visit the Guestbook

If you would like further information about the Nangle Family Genealogy,
please use the email link below.
Please remove "at" from the address and replace it with "@".

EMAIL Nangle Family Genealogy Association


For those who wish to learn more about our Nangle genealogy, read on!
Information is added as we receive it, so check back often.

The button below will take you to our on-line records.

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