Awakening: the truth is inside us.

'We are living in exciting times' is something that I heard lately. More and more people seem to be feeling that a big change is about to happen. I have gathered some information and links that you might find interesting with many different topics, from Mother Mary messages about the coming changes to the wonderful descriptions of Near Death Experiences; from the Global Warming to the Prophesised Earth Changes; from the Crop Circles to Numerology; from the Geometry of the Face and the Pyramid on Mars to the Global Spiritual Wave that seems to be happening.

Information about:

Spirituality | Earth Changes | Mother Mary Apparitions | Sacred Geometry | Crop Circles | Numerology | The Mars Cydonia Region
In Association with - up to 30% Discounts on the recommended books on this web site! Up to 30% discounts on recommended books

Operation Terra, by Sara Lyara Estes Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance, by Simeon Hein Mother Mary's Message of Love, by Annie Kirkwood Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art, by Diane Stein The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids, by Robert Bauval The Cosmic Code, by Zecharia Sitchin

Spirituality: Back to top

Tera Mai Reiki Holistic Healing. Reiki is a natural healing method that was developed in the early 20th century in Japan. The energy is channeled by a Reiki practitioner and goes to the places in the body where healing is most needed. Scientific research in Reiki has shown that it has healing abilities indeed. Many hospitals are now working with Reiki as a complementary health care method. Any type of disease, physical, mental or emotional can be treated with Reiki. This web site offers you information about Reiki, the history, treatments, research, and learning Reiki.

Angel Haven. At Angel Haven you can feel the presence of Angels. Come inside and share your angelic experiences, visit our angel chatrooms, send an Angel Gram, ask questions about angels, read weekly columns from inspired authors, shop for angels, and much, much more!! At Angel Haven you can enjoy all that the angels have blessed upon us.

The Great Tomorrow. The book 'The Messengers' about the amazing and true (that's what they say) story of Nick Bunick. A wave of awakening spirituality is sweeping over the planet. The return to the age of miracles they call it. This information 'will change your life!' is what they write on the cover of the book; find out for yourself.

New Age site with information about the changes that are happening to us and the Earth right now. VERY interesting site with regular updates with latest information about the ongoing changes. Be sure to check out the library.

A lawyer presents the case for the afterlife: Victor Zammit BA (Psych) MA (Hist) LLB. PhD retired Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the High Court of Australia Psychic researcher and Lecturer in psychic phenomena.

Near-Death Experiences: wonderful, touching descriptions of many NDE's; also studies about NDE's.

Recommended books:
the Messengers, by Julia Ingram and Nick Bunnick The Messengers: A True Story of Angelic Presence and a Return to the Age of Miracles. By Julia Ingram and Nick Bunnick. The Messengers is not fiction. This story is true. For that reason it is one of the most extraordinary chronicles written during the 20th century. The message in The Messengers is the gateway into our next millennium; an outstanding story for the emotions it will generate, for its overwhelming inspiration, and for the wisdom and love contained within its pages.
Closer To The Light, by Dr. Melvin Morse Closer to the Light: Learning from Near Death Experiences of Children . By Dr. Melvin Morse. The skeptics have had their say; now listen to the experts. In hundreds of interviews with children who had once been declared clinically dead, Dr. Morse found that children too young to have absorbed our adult views and ideas of death, share first-hand accounts of out-of-body travel, telepathic communication and encounters with dead friends and relatives. Finally illuminating what it is like to die, here is proof that there is that elusive "something" that survives "bodily death".
Reiki and Other Rays of Touch Healing, by Kathleen Milner Reiki and Other Rays of Touch Healing. By Kathleen Milner. A comprehensive manual on healing. The author gives concrete examples in both the use of symbols and a variety of healing techniques interwoven into her own healing processes (following two automobile accidents) and her subsequent work on the inner planes with higher beings. The book explains techniques that can be utilized to develop psychic abilities and how to achieve deeper levels of meditation, and then ties this in with the healing process and different mysticisms.

Earth Changes: Back to top

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):
Recognizing the problem of potential global climate change, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. The role of the IPCC is to assess the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change. Changing climate and its Social and Environmental Impact:
This site invites you to engage with the latest ideas, research and action on all aspects of our changing climate.

Earthwatch Institute: Research. Conservation. Education.:
The mission of Earthwatch Institute is to promote the sustainable conservation of our natural resources and cultural heritage by creating partnerships among scientists, the general public, educators, and businesses. We believe that decision-making involving these issues not only requires objective scientific data from the field, but must engage the general public through active participation in the scientific process if it is to become widely accepted and effective.

Native Americas is the award-winning publication of Akwe:kon Press of the American Indian Program at Cornell University. It features articles that cover the most important and critical issues of concern to Native (indigenous/aboriginal) peoples throughout the Western Hemisphere. It is a source of significant and reliable information. Many of the articles in Native Americas feature breaking news from in-depth investigative reporting, including Earth Changes.

Mother Mary Apparitions: Back to top

Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary (list with apparitions from 1347 till the present, indications of approvals by the Church).

Apparition of Virgin Mary in Kibeho, Rwanda: Did you know that Mother Mary appeared and prophesised the Rwandan holocaust? The prophesy was published in the book 'The Final Hour' by Michael Brown two years before the holocaust !

Apparitions of Mother Mary in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia: in Medjugorje Mother Mary has appeared since 1984 and it will be here that she said to appear for the last time before the big changes start.

Sacred Geometry: Back to top

Carl Munk's deciphering of mathematical codes in ancient monuments like the pyramids on Earth and Mars, faces on Earth and Mars:

Crop Circles: Back to top

Temporary Temples:
This website, home of photographer Steve Alexander, who is the leading photographer of crop figures, and writer Karen Douglas, portrays the beautiful and mysterious crop circle phenomenon. Collection of photographs of crop figures of many years.

The Crop Circle Connector:
This web site is literally the largest crop circle site on the internet. On this site you will find information to cater for all your needs including an International crop circle database.

BLT Research:
The BLT Research Team, including biophysicist W.C. Levengood, has as primary goal the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public.

Numerology: Back to top

The Dreamtime Numerology Page:
Numerology, the science, is based on the understanding that each number has an inherent vibration which provides the key to greater self awareness. It may surprise you to know that the combination of the numbers of your birth date can provide valuable perceptions into your way of being in the world. This web site explains in detail how numerology works, explains the meaning of the numbers and offers free numerology readings.

September 11th 2001 numerology:
The repeated appearance of the number 11 related to the 11th September 2001 and other historic events, and the meaning of this number.

The Mars Cydonia region: Back to top

NASA's Mars Orbiter Camera on the Mars Global Surveyor Views the "Face on Mars".

Mars : Debris from a lost civilization?

The Mars D&M Pyramid

I also made a summary of information about: Mother Mary apparitions, Near-Death experiences, The Gizae pyramids, the geometry of the Face and the D&M pyramid on Mars, and the Asian Hall of Records.

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The Great Experiment

On April 23rd, 1998, hundreds of thousands of people in over eighty countries stopped to "Pray Peace" for ten minutes. The goal was to show scientifically what the mystics and sages have always said, that a focused, feeling-based prayer is the most powerful force in the universe. James Twyman, one of the sponsors of the vigil, was at the United Nations in New York with nearly forty ambassadors when the vigil took place. Minutes before it began a woman stepped into the center of the circle and said these words:

"Four years, four months, four weeks and four days ago, a group of Hopi elders came to the UN to give their vision of the New World.

One of the things they said was,

'Four years, four months, four weeks and four days from now, something would happen at the UN that would change the world.'

This is the day these great people prophesied."

Now it is time to repeat the same Great Experiment; for more information go to:

Our goal is to mobilize millions of people around the world to participate in an experiment focused on measuring the effect of a global meditation on human consciousness. (This will be done in two ways: by studying sample cities where large groups of people will gather during the Great Experiment, and through a scientific data system that measures shifts in consciousness.) It will also be a powerful way to participate in "The Cloth of Many Colors Project," adding your energy to a peace banner that will be wrapped around the base of the UN on September 5, 2000.

Pass this Message "The Great Experiment" and the "Cloth of Many Colors Project" are ways for you to join millions of other people in creating a world based upon the laws of love rather than the rules of fear. Pass this message on to everyone you know. This IS the moment you've been waiting for.

Save the Rain Forest

It is estimated that we are losing 2 acres of rainforest every single second. The rainforests produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe.

Click on the button on the following web site to save rainforest. There is NO cost to you. Sponsors pay to preserve the rainforest.

Protecting our Eco-system is vital for a healthy tomorrow.

If you have any questions or comments please email me. Thank you for visiting my page! :)


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