Don't Ignore Domestic Abuse


Stop the Pain

Domestic abuse may include emotional abuse, economic abuse, sexual abuse, using children, threats, using male privilege, intimidation, isolation and a variety of other behaviors used to maintain fear, intimidation and power.

Nearly one in three adult women experiences at least one physical assault by a partner during adulthood, according to the American Psychological Association in a 1996 report.

Domestic abuse does not discriminate against race, age and socio-economic background. No specific type of woman is more prone to being battered by her partner, nor is one type of woman completely safe from abuse.


Seek Shelter

Crime statistics state that:
A woman is raped every 46 seconds in America... that's 78 rapes each hour! It's estimated 1/4 of these rapes are by spouses and boyfriends.

Every day, four women are killed by their abusive partners.

14% of all American women acknowledge having been violently abused by a husband or boyfriend.

From 1992 to 1993 29% of all violence against women by a lone offender was by an Intimate.

75% of domestic homicides occur after the victim has left the perpetrator.

28% of all homicides of women are domestic violence related.

95% of reported domestic assaults the female is the victim and the male is the perpetrator.

White Ribbon Campaign...Men Working To End Men's Violence Against Women


Lonely World

What Victims of Domestic Violence Need to Know

The abuse is not your fault.

You don't deserve to be abused.

You can't change someone who is abusive.

Staying in the relationship won't stop the abuse.

With time the abuse always gets worse.

If you stay, make a plan to keep yourself safe
when the abuse happens again.

You CAN Fight Back!


What can you do if you have been abused?

You can, and you should talk to someone about the abuse. You can get medical help. You can apply for a peace bond also known as a restraining order, (in the countries where this system exist).
You can get out.

Phone Numbers

The National Domestic Violence Hotline phone numbers are:

National Resource Center on Domestic violence

The Family Crisis Center (1-888-311-7755)
offers three kinds of services:

Crisis Intervention for emergency and immediate needs

Counseling for more long term support

Prevention Outreach for educating the community about family violence, sexual assault and child abuse and
what can be done to prevent them.


If you would like to link this project to your homepage, you may use this graphic and URL:
Link to Domestic Abuse Project


Quilt Square
This quilt square has been added to the
Random Acts of Kindness Quilt For The Cause


Want to learn more?

Be sure to visit these very important pages that are a part of our project.

Links, Information, Support, & Resources

One Woman's Story

An Outline of Domestic Abuse


Sign Guestbook View Guestbook



Some information on these pages is courtesy of
Thank you for your help and dedication to ending abuse!


These pages were made by possible by the RAOK TLC Comittee.
Big thank yous to the following people: Web design by Shirley
Backgrounds by Resa and Shirley
URL/Links Research by zack, Marsha, Tammy, Kath, Anne, Polly, Sunny, Linda, and Phebelove.
Ideas/Contributions by Tammy, Anne, Polly, Marsha, zack, Vu, MindySue, Linda and Phebelove.
Graphics by Kath, SueCat, Sunny, Shirley, Resa, zack, and Linda.
Quilt Square by SueCat
Special thanks to Nick, TLC Committee Leader.

Another RAOK TLC Committee Production