Depress Depression

    Depression is.....

    1. Highly treatable (80% of those afflicted are successfully treated)
    2. A disease in the same sense of the word as cancer, diabetes, etc.
    3. Nothing to be ashamed of! It doesn't mean you're crazy, and
    it's probably more common than you think.
    4. The number one cause of suicide, when left untreated.
    ...left untreated in at least half of those who have it.

    According to the experts, if you have 4 or more of these signs and they persist for more then 2 weeks, then you need to seek help.

    1. Persistent feelings of "emptiness" or sadness
    2. Feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless, and/or guilty.
    3. Substance abuse.
    4. Fatigue or loss of interest in ordinary activities, including sex.
    5. Change in eating and sleeping patterns (too much OR too little).
    6. Irritability, increased crying, anxiety and panic attacks.
    7. Diffculty concentrating, remembering or making decisions.
    8. Thoughts of suicide; suicide plans or attempts.
    9. Persistent physical symptoms or pains that do not respond to treatment.

For further depression screening online, visit these links.

Are You Depressed?

Depression Inventory

The Depression Test

Goldberg Depression Questionnaire

Depression may range in severity from mild symptoms to more severe forms that include delusional thinking, excessive somatic concern, and suicidal ideation, over longer periods of time.

Depression knows no boundaries. It effects men, women, children, the rich, the poor... it reaches far beyond any social status, race, or religion.

Depression is real. If you, or someone you love suffers from depression, you're not alone. Depression IS treatable.

This quilt square has been submitted to The RAOK Quilt For the Cause.

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Get Help Now

The following resources are available both on and offline for help in recognizing and treating depressive disorders.

Youth and Depression

Often times, children's and adolescent's mental health problems are not recognized for what they are and appropriate help is not sought. You can help yourself and your child by being informed.

Visit these links for some valuable resources.

Is My Adolescent Depressed

Children and Depression - For the prevention of teen suicide

Bipolar Children and Teens

What to do if a friend is depressed - for teenagers

Helpful Links On Depression

The Clinical Depression Page

Depression Resource Center

Depression and Suicide Awareness

Depression and Self-Concept

APA Help Center

Healthlink USA - Depression


What is Depression

Depression Alliance

Walkers in Darkness

SA\VE - Suicide Awareness\Voices of Education

Dr. Ivan's Depression Central

National Foundation For Depressive Illness, Inc.

Depression - From Harvard Medical School

ACTMAD - Mental Health Activism and Advocacy Mailing List - So That No One Has To Die

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Dealing with Depression

Psychology Information Online

When Someone You Love Lives With Depression

An estimated 35-40 million Americans living today will suffer from major Depressive Illness during their lives. For each person directly suffering, three or four times that number of their relatives, employees, associates, and friends will also be adversely affected. Statistics according to NMDA

Depression Caregiver Support

Coping With Depression Fallout

Friends & families of Those Depressed

Family & Friends Education Program

Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder)

Bipolar Disorder, sometimes called Manic Depressive Illness, is characterized by one or more manic or mixed episodes which may be interspersed with major depressive episodes. For more information on this common disorder, visit the links below.

All About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorders Portal-Pendulum Resources

Joy Ikelman's Info on Bipolar Disorder

Online Resources for People With Bipolar Disorders

The Bipolar Planet

The Winds of Change:Bipolar Disorder Online Support Group

How to Beat Depression and Manic Depression

South African Bipolar Home


Stanley Center for the Innovative Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Medications and Treatment

It is estimated that more than 80% of those living with depressive illnesses can be successfully treated with medications. Finding the right medication and treatment plan for you relies on being informed of the availabilities to you.


Antidepressant Medications

Holistic Approach to Treating Depression

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Personal stories, thoughts, and triumphs

This RAOK TLC project was made possible with the help of the wonderful members of the TLC Committee and all of their suggestions, contributions, and ideas. The following members should be mentioned for their contributions:

Web design by: zack
Background set by: Patti
Graphics by: GrammaNancy, Polly, Sunny, Lady Vivian, Just Jackie, zack, Resa, Lainey
URL/Link Research by: Peacedw, Happytobeclean, Chilady, Penink3, Angelkisses Lisa, Big Bear, Linda, Polly, Sunny, fav, Marsha, and Peacedw
Quilt Square by: Linda
Ideas/Contributions by: GrammaNancy, Penink3, Happytobeclean, Sunny, Marsha, Polly
Poetry by: Patti, Marsha, and Nick
And a special "Thank You" to Kind Soul (TLC Committee Leader), and Nick (Assistant TLC Committee Leader) for all of their help!

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*These screenings and information are in no way to be used in place of diagnosis or treatment by a medical professional. They are only placed here as a self help guide to help you talk with your doctor about the symptoms you may be having. Please contact your healthcare professional if you feel you might have a depressive illness disorder.