Kid's Are People Too! banner

Children mean a lot to the members of RAOK. A lot of our members spend a lot of time campaigning for internet safety for our kids. One of the rules of RAOK is that all websites within the webring must be family or kid friendly. Sometimes it is very difficult to find websites on the web that are kid friendly or those that are, that don't have links to non kid friendly sites.

This TLC webpage for Children is made with this thought in mind. All links on these pages have been viewed and are kid friendly. These pages a child can view without parents having to worry about what their children are viewing.

RAOK believes that children deserve to be able to navigate the web without being assaulted with damaging material. Kid's are people too! and as such we wish them all happy viewing of this webpage and the links provided.

Praise your kids


~ Ways To Love A Child ~
~ Author Unknown ~

Give your presence;
Laugh, dance and sing together.
Listen from a heart space,
Call them love names,
Send them love letters.
Really love yourself.
Allow them to love themselves.
Ask their opinions,
Learn from them.
Say yes as often as possible,
Say no when necessary.
Honour their no’s.
No yelling,
Speak softly.
Touch gently.
Build lots of blanket forts,
Learn about parenting.
Open up.
Fly kites together,
Change your routine.
Lighten up,
Believe in possibilities.
Take time away,
Read books out loud.
Create a circle of quiet,
Teach feelings.
Remove guilt.
Share your dreams,
Play hooky together.
Walk in the rain,
Go barefoot.
Celebrate mistakes,
Admit yours.
Frame their artwork,
Hang it on the walls.
Stay up late together,
Eliminate comparison.
Delight in silliness,
Handle with care.
Remember they have not been on earth very long.
Protect them,
Respect them,
Honour their differences.
Cherish their innocence,
Speak kindly.
Go swimming a lot,
Let them cry,
Don't hide your tears.
Brag about them,
Answer their questions.
Let go when it's time,
Let them come back.
Show compassion,
Keep them in your hearts and in your prayers.


Be a friend to your children


If you would like to link to this page, please feel free to take this graphic and link it back to this page.

Link Back Button


This quilt square has been submitted to the Quilt for the Cause Webring.

Kids Quilt Square



These pages for kids couldn't have been made without all of the help from the volunteers in the RAOK TLC Committee.

Web design by Maggie
Background set by Lady Vivian
Graphics by Gramma Nancy, Lake, SueCat, Zack, Snugs
URL link research by Page, Lake, Joyfulmom3, Gramma Nancy, Friendpoet, Ness, Marsha, Diane, Snugs, Zack, Lil' Sis
Quilt Square by SueCat
Linkback Graphic by Snugs
Ideas and contributions by Patti, Lake, Marsha, Vu
Special thanks to the TLC Committee Leader, Kind Soul and the assistant TLC Committee leader, Nick.

This beautiful background set came from Lady Vivian. Visit her site to see more of her wonderful work.

Lady Vivian

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Be sure to visit the Fun and Games page by clicking on "Next"!



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