Chrissy, RAOK's dear Flutterby, your friends and family at RAOK have been praying for your recovery nonstop since we first heard of your accident. To show our love, care and concern for you, we've put together these pages of gifts from the heart ~ just for YOU!
Angel Fluttering By
In my dreams I am visited by an angel
She passes to me words of encouragement
My angel makes me feel special
Sounds of praise for me are echoed within
I look for my angel each and every day
Hoping that she will make her appearance some way
Yet I still only find my angel in dreams
I search continuously, I know she is here
An angel walks with you while you are awake
And watches over you while you are asleep
Then one day when I least expected, my angel
Came to me while I was awake, left me a gift
This gift was the first of many to come,
But the real gift was not that they came,
Rather where they came from.
Thank you Chrissy,
You have been an angel to my every day
~Paul J. Haldy
From Paula

From Lainey
"Friendship is the only cement that will
ever hold the world together."
~Woodrow Wilson

"You Are A Beautiful Rose
That Has Touched Our Hearts."

From Candi and Lady Lacey
"Frienship is the golden thread that
ties the heart of all the world"
Lil Flutterby,
Ron and Your Family and your RAOK family could not do with out you!!!
I am ever so greatful to God and all who prayed for you to bring you back to us!!!!!
We love you and the way you touched my heart you have touched it again.
The beautiful MONARCHES you sent me will never be forgotten!
You are a Loving child of God, Chrissy and I thank HIM for bringing you back to us!!!
You can visit Chrissy's home on the web
This get well page was made possible by the RAOK TLC Committee. Webpages and background graphics by Nick, Assistant TLC Committee Leader. Special thank yous to all of the RAOK members for their contributions and cooperation!
TLC Committee leader Kind Soul