Kathryn Ledbury - 11/21/00 17:52:55
My URL:http://www.ledbury14.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:kathryn@ledbury14.freeserve.co.uk
I am so sorry for your loss of your daughter Jennifer. I know how hard it is to lose a daughter as I loss my daughter Jenn July 30, 2000. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and may God bless you and your family.
Carolyn - 09/21/00 12:28:04
My Email:cmk162og@aol.com
How Did You Find us?: MMIAS
What a beautiful and remarkable tribute to your daughter. She was a rare gem on this earth and now she shines from the heavens. Remember that
Jennifer walks with you daily.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing Jennifer with me.
Love and hugs,
Mom to Matthew
Kim - 07/20/00 15:20:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/kellysangelpalace/
My Email:kkcd9698@email.msn.com
How Did You Find us?: Look Group
I just wanted to let you know what a beautiful tribute to this precious child, it is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this precious little angel with me.. The pain that we feel will allways be but the memories will live on forever. Our Angels will live in
our hearts and souls forever we will carry on for them, they will live throu us..
Danielle - 06/15/00 03:33:15
My URL:http://iamamomwi.homepage.com
My Email:iamamomwi@aol.com
This is a beautiful page...and such a great tribute to your angel! May God bless you!
Magge - 06/06/00 01:49:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9393
My Email:stelinda@one.net
How Did You Find us?: webring
I want you to know how sorry and sad I am about your beautiful Jennifer. She certainly was an angel on earth. I know the awful pain you feel, for I too have lost a child. When God sent Jennifer to this earth, he knew she needed a very special Mommie an
he picked you. It truely was an honor. You are in my prayers.
I want you to know that you have a beautiful angel looking down on you right now. My heart goes out to you and your family. I also lost my daughter Jenniffer on Aug. 9, 1999. She was 17.
My prayers will be with you always. God Bless You.
Julane Grant - 05/09/00 15:08:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/angelhugs
My Email:julane@surfree.com
How Did You Find us?: from an email
Oh, your Jennifer is just lovely, you were truly blessed and so was she to be part of your family. I love the poem by Laura! After years of 24 hour care, I can't even imagine the hole her loss has created in your heart and in your life. Just a month awa
from the first anniversary, my heart goes out to all of you. Maybe you would like to visit the Birthday/Anniversary page at Angel Hugs for some tribute ideas. Big hugs and Love, Julane
Sallie Crystel Holbein - 04/20/00 13:34:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/AngelMary
My Email:salliea2@yahoo.com
How Did You Find us?: RAOK
I was looking for the mother and family's in Virginia. Your Jennifer was beautiful. My hear and love goes out to all your family. I lost my Daughter a year ago and I still cry each and every day.It is a pain like no other I have ever had.God be with You a
d my granddaughter's and I send our Love Sallie
Veronica Kerperien-Robinson - 03/22/00 19:21:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rareearthwoman/
My Email:VKerperien_robin@hotmail.com
How Did You Find us?: MMIAS web ring
A very beautiful tribute to you loving daughter.She is truly an angel living with God. My heart and prayers are with your family.
- 03/10/00 13:27:49
Jayne - 01/16/00 12:14:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/gedpatjay/Aaron.html
My Email:jgtaylor@bigpond.com
How Did You Find us?: mmias webring
Jennifer was obviously a beautiful child in every way! I am sorry she had to suffer so much and you are now without her. I hope Jennifer is free in heaven as my two boys are.
Millie Poole - 12/21/99 02:26:27
My Email:mpoole99@mindspring.com
Dear Jim,
I had heard of your loss from Jason but never knew what a delightful child Jennifer was. The eulogy is so beautiful as is her web site. I can certainly see that she looks a lot like her Daddy. Thank you for sharing it with me.
When I was at CHKD I met many children who were truly angels. It was so difficult for me as a nurse not to become attached and watch my "boundaries" as dictated by hospital administration. I don't feel I would be a very good nurse if I did not let these
hildren touch my heart and make me share their joys and sorrows.
I was on the committee at CHKD for a butterfly garden outside in memory of the children who have died and donated their organs so that others may live.An artist made copper butterflies and they are mounted to the side of the garden wall with the names of
he donor child. We have a memorial service every year which is very emotional and so beautiful.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Again, thank you for sharing.
- 12/20/99 04:04:11
My Email:hedrick@i-plus.net
The first day I met Jennifer, she was my charge at school, from that day on, she was my friend.
My thoughts are always with you.
Cassels - 12/09/99 23:19:44
My Email:Casselsj@health.missouri.edu
How Did You Find us?: Christmas card
Debbie and Jim,
We were shocked to get your Christmas card. I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing memories on the web site. I'm grateful you have spiritual comfort!
Bonnie and John Cassels
scotty - 12/09/99 16:47:35
How Did You Find us?: Christmas Card
I love you guys. I know that Jenn is happy in Heaven with her savior, Jesus. Please call if yuo ever need anything. I think of you often.
Yours in Christ, Scotty
Fred Glover - 12/01/99 23:44:41
My Email:fgdodger@aol.com
How Did You Find us?: Kathy Blatt told me about the page
Don't know if you guys remember me, but I worked as an aide in Jennifer's class at PCHS in 1998-99. You are so right about her being a person from whom we could all learn. Her warm and friendly attitude towards life and people is one of the many treasur
s I took with me from my experience at PCHS.
kathy and don blatt - 12/01/99 23:34:17
My Email:kb4sure@aol.com
How Did You Find us?: debbie
i love it this is so great and i will tresure this the rest of my life. jennifer was my angel and there is not a day goes by that i dont think of jennifer. kathy
Maria - 11/30/99 02:12:35
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AnglsWink/Shaneba.html
My Email:AnglsWink@aol.com
How Did You Find us?: LOOK group
Thank you for sharing your special angel with me. As I read about your Jennifer, I felt I was somehow reading about my own angel. We truly have been blessed with angels and yes, I too am selfish in wishing my Shaneba were still here with me.
anne - 11/29/99 17:05:58
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/momofrosie/godblessrosie.html
My Email:imanne@aol.com
How Did You Find us?: from a bereaved parent support group
What a wonderful tribute to your lovely Jennifer! I lost my sweet daughter Rosie. She also had a smile that would light the world. Thank you for sharing Jennifer with all of us that never had the fortune of meeting her.
Renee - 11/27/99 20:05:05
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net
How Did You Find us?: another sie
Just visiting your site... I love the background.. Please stop by and visit us and let me know if you would like a link on our Kids to Remember page... God bless
Just visiting your site... I love the background.. Please stop by and visit us and let me know if you would like a link on our Kids to Remember page... God bless
Such a lovely tribute for you daughter Jennifer...my heart aches for you and your family..you never get over it you just learn to live with it.
Sandra Quinn - 11/27/99 02:28:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/6443/marcquinn.html
My Email:mequinn@concentric.net
How Did You Find us?: LOOK list
Thank you for sharing your precious angel. Your website is a beautiful tribute to your daughter. I hope you will find comfort in the wonderful memories of her.
Tony & Debbie Petry - 11/25/99 16:56:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/lordsmen
My Email:TCDLPETRY@aol.com
How Did You Find us?: Friend
We are good friends with Sam & Barb Ratliff. She
forward the address. I think it is a beautiful
tribute to someone and to know that our loss is
Heavens gain gives us the hope to be in the presents of our Lord and someday we will share life everlasting with our family and friends but most of all our Lord and Savior.
Leslee Meade - 11/25/99 16:17:38
My Email:zoocrew@citynet.net
How Did You Find us?: Barbara Ratliff
This is a wonderful and touching tribute to someone who must have been truly special. I never knew her, but wish I had. My prayers are with you. Leslee
Jimmy & Lynn Ratliff - 11/24/99 18:56:44
My Email:corsec131@mtneer.net
How Did You Find us?: Barbara Ratliff
What a wonderful way to remember a loving child. It shows how much courage a mother can have when the loss of a child has hurt so much.
Mike Ratliff - 11/24/99 16:18:47
My Email:mikeratliff98@yahoo.com
How Did You Find us?: Through Parents
This was a truly touching site. It brought back some of the memories of Jennifer that I had. She was a special person, and to see her smile and be hugged by her was to be touched by an angel. Love Mike
Brian Ratliff - 11/24/99 15:22:34
My Email:bratz@gateway.net
How Did You Find us?: E-mail sent by relative
I am very touched by your web site and can't imagine the pain of losing a child. With my 12 year old Brandi and My son of 16 months Robert (Bobby, named after the greatest man I was privilaged to call Dad), I can begin to imagine the loss you feel, but h
pe to never know it. I wish now I could have come to know her. From all accounts I have heard she was a wonderful person with a lot of strength and compassion. I'm sure God has a special place with him for such a perfect soul.
I want to apoligize for not staying in touch with your family and Barbie's, but would like to try and correct that. Our email address is "bratz@gateway.net".
With all our love
Brian, Kim, Brandi, Bobby Jeff Ratliff
- 11/24/99 14:54:45
How Did You Find us?: Friend of Barbara and Sam Ratliff
Diana - 11/24/99 14:48:03
My Email:DianaC@NSBVT.com
How Did You Find us?: Through the Rumbles
Truly touching...My step mother was also epileptic. Though she was lucky enough to at the age of 24 have a surgery that finally ended her seizures. I wish all those luck!
Beverly J. Alfred - 11/24/99 14:27:18
My Email:bevy@citynet.net
How Did You Find us?: Barb Ratliff
I don't know this person, but I was very moved. She sounded like a lovely person.
Jacki Mitchell - 11/24/99 01:30:21
How Did You Find us?: Sister, Cindy McGuire
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. I had the fortune of meeting Jennifer ond day last year at school with my sister Cindy McGuire. She often talked lovingly of her.
Peace be with you.
Jacki Mitchell
Cindy & Cora - 11/23/99 22:30:42
How Did You Find us?: Mom
She trully was a blessing and the family shares her blessing.
Becky Aycock - 11/23/99 21:07:13
My Email:braycock@saturn.vcu.edu
How Did You Find us?: Deb sent me the address
Thank you Debbie. I love you! Take care of yourself.
Sam and Barb Ratliff - 11/22/99 04:58:50
My Email:sjratlif@intelos.net
How Did You Find us?: You told us.
We love you. God blessed you with two beautiful girls and now one of them is an angel taking care of all of our relatives in heaven. We will see her another day and she will be able to tell us the things that she couldn't here. What a beartiful thought
now she is free to fly. You all need not feel any guilt. You gave you best to Jen and she gave so much more back to you. You still have one angel there with you and she is growing up too fast. We love you and feel so close to you. We share your tear
too. God bless.
Sam and Barb
John, Mike
Jim, Lynn, Samantha, Anna, and Mike
Suzanne Knight - 11/21/99 07:05:43
My Email:skpepper@aol.com
How Did You Find us?: The Look list
I am one of the moms from the Look list, I tried to view your beautiful web site the other day, when you posted it to the list, but it wasn't available. I did get to it tonight and wanted to say how much I smiled and shed tears for your loss. She is a b
autiful girl and that smile, I can see her love shine thru it. And the poems are so great and share much about how much she is loved and how much she will be missed. I am so sorry that you had to join our list.
Suzanne mom to Rosalee, she got her angel wings (also suddenly} at the age of 15 on 3-12-99.
Anita Monroe - 11/19/99 00:35:37
My Email:monroes4@worldnet.att.net
How Did You Find us?: My parents sent me the page
Dear Jim, Debbie and Laura,
I think of you often and continue to pray for you. Jennifer was a beautiful girl and I'm sorry I didn't get to see her grow up. I remember her as a little girl with an outstretched hand and always a hug and smile for everyone. I remember her love for h
r Nana and her sweet spirit. May God bless you and hold you all up.
Love, Anita
Ann & Bill - 11/17/99 16:00:57
My Email:wamatson@pinn.net
How Did You Find us?: Page sent to us
It is a beautiful "in memory" site for my young
second cousin.
Gail Swift - 11/17/99 14:52:10
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8504/myangels.html
My Email:corsantim@adelphia.net
How Did You Find us?: from LOOK list
Debbie, Thank you for sharing you beautiful Jennifer with me. Your site has touched my heart. My Cory-Sue had CF and the song Fly has a special meaning to me. My heart goes out to you and your family. I understand what you are going through, having been t
ere twice. Hang in there and know you have people out there that care.
^j^ Angel Hugs ^j^
Gail swif - 11/17/99 14:44:12
Bonnie Young - 11/17/99 13:12:48
My Email:blyoung@webtv.net
How Did You Find us?: Fwd. by special friends
Dear Dr., Mrs.Stanley and Laura
Even though I've cryed through your whole site, it is beautiful and special, just like Jennifer. Not only did she love all people, she never failed to let me know, everytime I seen her at your office, how she also loved her cats. She was and always will
e a very special person, just like the rest of her family. You office is one of the joys of my day.
Esther Ohl - 11/17/99 04:28:42
My Email:eohl@roanoke.infi.net
How Did You Find us?: Loss of Our Kids list
What a beautiful tribute to a lovely girl. I wish that I had known her.
Sandra K. Edwards - 11/17/99 03:05:11
My Email:skedwards@tcia.net
How Did You Find us?: e-mail
Just looked at your web page... It is really precious... I would think that Jennifer likes it too... The layout turned out really nice... It's beautiful..., just like Jennifer.
Shawn & Nancy O'Toole - 11/16/99 21:59:13
My Email:otoolesj@zdnetmail.com
How Did You Find us?: This was sent to us.
Dear Jim, Debbie and Laura:
This web site is a work of art and stands as
a proof of how much this beautiful girl,
Jennifer, is loved, even to this day. She truly
left a mark on this world. Certainly we will
never forget her and many people who were not
privileged enough to know her will now be touched
by her life.
God Bless You
Shawn and Nancy
jamie - 11/16/99 19:40:43
My URL:http://ben.thegeek.net
How Did You Find us?: MMIAS
What a nice job..........and what a beautiful daughter you have!!! God Bless!
Beckie - 11/16/99 18:55:37
My URL:http://www.infoblvd.net/centaur
My Email:centaur@infoblvd.net
How Did You Find us?: made this site
Dear Debbie, Thank you for letting me do Jennifer's story. I feel as if I know her now. She is a beautiful angel flying high with all the other angels. May God bless you & your family always.